domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

We Are Off!!

Last night was the last night for some people. Laura, Pavlo and Sarah were leaving at 5am. James and Dom were leaving a little on in the day. The first three are on different cruise liners while the last two are on the same.  Four people were flown home today. So last night we had to celebrate and give the people leaving a sending off! About 15 of us headed out for dinner at the local Cuban restaurant then it was back to the pool with beers, rum, whiskey and God knows what else!! The cameras were out, people were getting chucked into the pool fully clothed and the drinks were flowing.
I got up at 4.30am to say bye to Laura, Sarah and Pavlo. It’s quite strange not having them around. It’s also incredibly quite around here without Pavlo messing around, cracking jokes and making us all laugh. Slowly but surely the group is getting smaller and smaller. 10 have already been dispatched and there are 11 left. I’m not 100% sure but I think a couple more will  be leaving later on this afternoon. 

This week has been like a group holiday. Last night it just started to dawn on me that we were all splitting up and going to work on cruise ships. This morning, saying bye to Pavlo, Sarah and Laura, was when it finally hit me. If I’m honest, it hit me like a ton of bricks and there was a tear or two. Even though it’s been a week, we’ve all become really close, a little team. So seeing them go, it’s a little sad, but more than anything we’re more excited for each other. Say bye to Becks on Monday will be hard. She reckons she’s going to blubber like a baby! No doubt I will too!
Most of the remaining group have headed to South Beach. As Becks and I are completely shattered and just want to relax, we’ve stayed behind to sit by the swimming pool. It’s a good job we didn’t go either. Our roommates have been dispatched so we’ve had to move rooms yet again! It’s the 3rd room we’ve moved too. It’s a bit of a piss take having to keep moving. As I’m the only girl leaving on Monday I have a room to myself. I think Becks is going to share a room with me until I go. Anna, a girl Beck’s has been sharing with, hasn’t been back to the hotel in 24 hours and her stuff is still in the room. Hotel staff aren't exactly pleased with us as they want to get into the room and clean for the next person, but what can we do? We have no idea where she is. Well, we have an inkling, let's put it that way.

Tonight, we’re simply going to get a pizza and carry on chilling by the pool. No doubt they’ll be few drinks to send off some of the others who’ll be leaving tomorrow.
The one thing we are all going to miss are the planes flying over the hotel. The hotel is situated near the run way so we have the planes flying really low over the hotel swimming pool. It’s absolutely brilliant! It’s something we’ll never get tired of, especially when it’s a large jumbo jet flying over! I’ve got a video so I’ll try and upload it. 

Chilling by the Pool - Me, Sarah & Pavlo 2.0 (Beck's Photo)
Pavlo 2.0
Typical Dom! Beer o'clock
Hernan, Holly & Dom
Gaz & David
Dom has many weird talents!
Pavlo 2.0
Pool Time :-)

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