miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Ukrainian Borat!!

Ukrainian Borat!!
Another day of training and the final exam is getting nearer. We were all starting to get nervous but have just found out it’s multiple choice. Now we are relaxing a little! Multiple choice will make things much easier. Today we had a few test questions, practising the 10 main poses and timing ourselves. We have to do three poses in 60 seconds or less. My best time was 55 seconds. I’m impressed but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. I want to get down to 45 and then 30 seconds.

I got a text message from Charlie Charliiiieee and Peasant Pudding Andy. It really made me miss home and put a bit of a downer on things. To be fair, I tend to put England out of my mind because I know I'll miss everyone. The madness from tonight's events have cheered me up no end!!!!
At the moment we are all relaxing by the swimming pool, drinking beer and chatting. Tonight has been very different from the normal night around the pool. Pavlo, my Ukrainian “husband” decided to make another episode to his homemade movies (not that type of homemade movie). He came running down to the pool area dressed in what can only be described as a banana suit! It was a bright yellow track suit with a multi coloured patches sewn onto the shoulders and knees. Plus a pair of yellow tinted aviator sun glasses. Seeing him run around and acting the clown was side splitting for everyone.
A small group of us took part in his “Ukrainian Borat” antics. Gudrun (Germany), Laura (England) Dom (England) and I chased Pavlo down the road as if we were his beloved fans. Originally it was only me, Laura and Gudrun were supposed to run after him but Dom came out of the hotel reception and just started sprinting after us all. He even out run a passing car! Watching the clip back was hilarious!!!! It’s like a Ukrainian meets Ali G and Borat!! More clips were filmed around the pool such as Pavlo jumping over a fence and falling over and generally acting the prat! I’ll post the video link as soon as possible. The two Pavlos (the other Pavlo, Pavlo 2.0 did the filming) are editing the clips tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully by tomorrow the video will be posted on Youtube. Sasha has documented everything so if I can, I’ll post some of her images as soon as possible. Unfortunately I left my camera upstairs and opted to bring down my laptop.
After filming Pavlo went on a shooting spree, photographing pretty much everyone!! He’s fallen in love with Sashas lens haha. I had the camera shoved in my face, paparazzi style, while he took close up photos of my face!! He thinks he’s got some good close ups of my boat race… somehow I doubt it!
Beck’s and I have been teaching Pavlo how to speak cockney rhyming slang. The funniest bit is that it comes out with a Queen’s English accent. Listening to Pavlo say “Lemon Squeezer” or “Lemon Squeeza” with a posh accent has us in fits! Some of the words he knows so far are: Lemon Squeezer (Geezer), “Mince Pies” (Eyes), “Tommy Tank” (Wank), “Jimmy Riddle” (Piddle) and the latest edition, “Boat Race” (Face).

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