domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Lazy Day

Last night Becks and I simply chilled out and had an early night. We ordered a MASSIVE pizza and sat in my room watching Alice in Wonderland. After a day in the sun, Becks got a little burnt whereas I had legs like a lobster! We’ve been slapping after sun on ever since. The strange thing is we were putting SPF 50 and sitting mainly in the shade. Our pasty skin obviously can’t handle the Miami heat!
Today is my last day in Miami. The late nights have caught up with me so I’m having another lazy day. Becks and I sat in her bed for a while, watching Jackass 3 and eating the rest of last nights pizza. Talk about American XXL portions!
Now we are just sitting by the swimming pool (I’m wearing jeans and a hoodie to keep my skin covered haha). Gaz (Aus), Chris and Chet (UK) have finally woken up and telling us about some of their antics last night. They all headed to South Beach but didn’t get back until 6am this morning. Gaz was absolutely rat arsed by the sound of things! There was a bit of a drunken fight between two of them. I love the fact both of guys have just shook hands, laughed in disbelief at what they’d done and one got the beers in. 

Chet’s just let out a bomb shell… Gareth was dancing with a girl in a club last night. Someone, we don't know who, went over to inform our Aussie friend that, he was in fact, dancing with a guy in drag or a "he-she" as Chet put it! That's not something we're going to let Gaz forget any time soon. Priceless moment and I'm slightly miffed I missed it!

Chris got invited to a private party by a gay guy because he was "cute". All together now: AWWWW!
A few of us are worried about getting from the airport to the port. Some of us haven’t been given enough money for transport. Chris for example arrives at Heathrow at 3am and will have to get a cab to Southampton. The cab is going to be much more than what Image have gave him. He’ll have to settle the bill and get the money reimbursed.
Right, I’m going to have to get out of the sun. I’m dressed more for England than for Miami and it’s getting a little too hot for me. I’ll update a little later and I’ll include the group photo we took on our last day of training. At least then you can put a name to a face. 

Pasty White Ladies at the Pool

Last Night's Obese Pizza and Dough Balls

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