martes, 5 de abril de 2011

3rd Training Day and More Beer!!

Today was a much better day than yesterday. We learnt the 10 main ways of posing couples. The couples have to be greeted, posed and told where their photos will be displayed within 60 seconds or less. Quite difficult when you are used to booking the college studio for an hour and a half for one shoot!
The next couple of hours were about sexually harassment and they are pretty strict on it to say the least. Becks and I are going to have to develop new sense of humours, if not, we are buggered!
Straight after we were told about relationships on cruise ships. Under no circumstances can we have a relationship with a passenger. If we do, we get dropped off at the next port and we have to make our own way home. We our allowed to have relationships/date crew members but they’d prefer it if we kept it out of the photographer’s group as it could lead to problems. They did mention that we will all “find the love of our lives on each cruise ships”. Basically, Dr. Levy who did our medical was right. The cruise ships are knocking shops at sea. Slightly disconcerting! Oh, and we do have an endless supply of condoms. While covering this subject I was either giggling like a schoolgirl in sex-ed or completely agog!
Last night a couple of us who didn’t go to Hooters got talking to the security guards at the hotel, one is Cuban but they both speak Spanish. The shock they got when I started speaking in Spanish, they thought it was great! As we had a huge stash of beer they bought us a polystyrene box filled with ice to keep our beers cool. We were shown into the employee’s section and the location of the ice machine. We can help ourselves to ice to fill the mask shift fridge until we go. It’s starting to feel like a little community here. It’s a shame that we’ll all be separated at the end of the week.
Anyway, everything is going really well here. Each day I’m counting down the hours until we finish training so we can all hang out by the pool, having a laugh and chat and drinking endless amounts of beer. Even I’ve picked up my game on the drinking side of things haha! I love spending the evenings here with the majority of the group (minus 99% of the Eastern Europeans who completely ignore us). The end of the week might be a bit hard when we are split up but hopefully after 3 months some will move ships and a few of us will be clubbed together again. Going onto a different ship to Becks would be a real downer as we’ve got on like a house on fire since the hire session back in December.
The only downside of today is that I lost my Playboy belly button bar in the shower and I don’t have another to replace it. At the moment I have Beck’s lip stud in to keep the hole open and tomorrow we’re going to go on the search for a new belly button bar.
I’m still missing you guys from Swanley but October will soon come around… let’s hope you haven’t forgotten me by then haha! 

Parents, it’s a little hard to call with the time differences! The best time to call is around 7am which is 12 noon Spanish time. If I can finally remember I’ll try and bring my laptop down for breakfast tomorrow and call you on Skype. You’d better be online haha! If I don’t get through, keep reading on here but everything is fine. Speak to you all soon. Love you xx 
We have been told we look like Mormons! Wonder why?

Early Start

Chetan & Pavlo at Image Training
Me and My Ukranian Husband, Pavlo

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