lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

2nd Training Day

Homewood Suite, Miami
Monday 4th April 2011
19.45 (00.42 UK Time)
Today we finished practising photographing passengers and smudging on gangway. After we were told about shooting in Ressi (Dining Room/Restaurant). To be fair, it was pretty boring  and as it’s the third day of being in Miami, jet lagged has finally hit us. All of us were constantly nodding off. At one point, I dropped off to sleep. God knows how long I was asleep for!
The Image Group are somewhat over the top about being on time. We had a ten minute break which was due to end at 10.17. When we were all back in our seats, one of the managers said “Guys, punctuality is something we really need to work on. I said to be back here at 10.17 and it’s now 10.18. You are a minute late. This isn’t good”. At first we were all looking around completely bemused then the penny finally dropped and we realised he wasn’t joking! It’s a good job he wasn’t a manager at Asda homeshopping or else we would have been in serious trouble!
In the afternoon we all did our presentations to introduce another new hire. Normally, I don’t have a problem talking in public and can quite easily talk for Spain. Today, half way through my presentation my mind went blank and I froze. My chest went tight and I started sweating like a prostitute in church. Luckily, my mind soon snapped back to reality and I finished off what I’d started. Knowing that we don’t have the job until the end of the training week is now playing on my mind, especially after making a complete muck up of my presentation.
Again, it was back to practising shooting in the Ressi. We had to get into couples and/or families with children. For a while I was teamed up with Gareth (Austrailia) who was my ex husband from yesterday and Hernan (Argentina) my son! Later on I was reunited with my current Ukrainian husband, Pavlo.
Most of the people are real laugh, especially Becks (England), Pavlo (Ukraine), Gareth (Australia), James (South Africa), David (England), Chris (England) and Dom (England). We have a new member to the crew, Fede (Federico) from Granada, Spain. Unfortunately none of us, expect the English are allowed to speak their native language. We all have to speak English or else we’ll get a warning. Three warnings and we are out, going home. Seems rather strange that you can get warnings and sent home before you've even been given the job!
Most of the crew have headed off to Hooters, it’s a must when in Miami. At the moment I’m just sitting by the pool with David and Fede having a couple of beers as we are either severely jet-lagged or have splitting headaches. 

Tomorrow we are heading to South Beach which is another must do. Unfortunately, as we are training from 8am to 6pm we don’t actually have much chance to get out and about to see Miami. It’s a shame but I guess that’s the way on the cruise ships work. I just wish we were all here for a little longer.
The Image Group keep reminding us that we are the McDonald’s of photography! We don’t use our creativity or imagination. It’s standard portraits with standard and strict compositions. 

One person in particular isn’t having a good time and thinking of leaving. There’s something that I’m not too sure about but it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. A gut feeling. Hopefully soon I’ll find out what it is. Either way, it’s best for me to do my first contract and get some experience under my belt, money in my wallet and see a few countries. The more, the better!
Having a Break (Hernan's Photo)

Becks & James During Couple Portrait Training (Becks' Photo)
Chris and his Belarussian "Wife" (Becks' Photo)

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