sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Come Fly With Me....

Saturday 2nd April 2011
11.05 (UK Time)
Flying Over Ireland
This morning was a little manic. Getting lost last night and trying to check into the wrong Holiday Inn didn’t help much! Sleeping last night was almost impossible. My hotel is situated pretty much on the run way and hearing the planes taking off and landing was making me more and more anxious.
Up at 6am and for once I didn’t hit Snooze! Once checked out of the hotel there was a 30 minute wait for the bus to Heathrow airport. I was tempted to get a cab but after getting charged £9 for a five minute drive around the corner I thought it’d go easy on my wallet and take the bus (£4.50) instead. 

After a 25 minute ride on the bus, squeezed in like sardines, I finally arrived at Heathrow airport, Terminal 4. To be fair, the journey went quickly… Most of the time I was fixated by a Japanese man covered head to toe in tattoos, piercings all over his face and long bright, bright pink and orange hair!! Blonde is obviously very last year. I tried getting a photograph but failed miserably.
While waiting to board the plane I spotted Gareth (Australia) from my hire session and a little later James (South Africa) (another Image Photographer) recognized us.
Now, I’m sitting on the plane (Delta) with nothing to do for 8 hours and 39 minutes! Sleep doesn’t seem to be an option so it looks like I’m going to be watching either Harry Potter, The King’s Speech or both. I’m absolutely starving! Bring on American XXL plates of food!!! 

Mama, I’m going to return to England a very, very big girl.
I’ll post again when I finally arrive at the hotel in Miami. Can’t wait to get off the plane and have a look around. I’ll get as many photos as I can and post them on Facebook and here as soon as possible.

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