jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Chicken or Beef?

There’s not much to say about today, it’s pretty much same shit, different day. One thing that’s really starting to get on my nerves is the chicken and beef question/gag. There are only two meal options on the plane, chicken or beef. So if we fail the exam or do something against the rules while on ship we’ll be getting asked if we want chicken or beef. In short: you’re fired!
We were taking turns in working on gangway, ressi (dining room) and studio. I didn’t get my ressi photos checked out but my composition and more importantly cropping area (all images are cropped so we have to allow for that) and the feedback I got was “perfect”.
The exam is tomorrow morning and we’ll all be leaving Saturday morning to whichever cruise ship we're being dispatched to. None of us know where we are going yet, or even if we are going. Most of us will be split up, which was inevitable but it’s a shame. There are some great people here and it’s been a real laugh with them. I hope me and Becks are on the same ship but we have a feeling she’s going to Disney as they keep asking if she likes children etc. I have a feeling I’ll be going to the Caribbean or South America because I can speak both English and Spanish fluently and a little Brazilian Portuguese.
It was great hearing from Peasant Pudding again haha! To be fair I’m surprised about some people. I remember someone saying “you’ll find out who your friends are” and she was right. Since I’ve been away I’ve heard from a couple of people. A one liner from Adam and Anna has come as a bit of a shock. I don’t know whether or not to say “out of sight, out of mind”. Feels a bit like that though. In a way, I knew it’d happen but didn’t think it’d be so sudden.
Anyway, I’d better get an hour of studying done. Studying by the pool drinking beer... I can’t imagine many people doing that in Swanley!!
Fingers crossed we all pass the exam tomorrow! Good luck everyone!! xx

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