sábado, 2 de abril de 2011


Friday 1st April
Holiday Inn, Heathrow Airport
As so many people have asked me to stay in touch and keep them updated as to where I am in the world, I thought it’d be easier to start a blog. So… here we go!
First of all, I can’t leave England without saying goodbye. Even though I’ve only been in England 2 and a half years I’ve made some great friends, especially recently (sod’s law!) Anyway, after my leaving drink at The Olympic, you all know what I’m like at saying goodbyes. Now that I’m armed with a can of coke and hidden safely behind a computer screen I can cry as much as I want knowing none of you will see it!
Mom and Dad – Thank you for coming to England before I leave. Don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t seen you both beforehand. Oh, Dad, thanks for teaching me to write English properly… without your expert training I wouldn’t be able to write this blog hahaha. No doubt you’ll be picking out my spelling and punctuation mistakes!! Sod knows what country you International Gypsies will be in but no doubt I’ll see you soon. Take care, I miss you and I love you loads!! xx
Anna – What would I do without my Gommy Bear? Good luck in the search, you know you can do it! I’m going to miss the cups of teas, trips to McDonalds in pyjamas whenever there was a problem and the girlie and quite often perverse chats!! You take care of yourself and keep Kirk on the straight and narrow lol. Love you loads turnip!! Xx
Beaumont – Where the freaking hell do I start with you hey? Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, picking me up from my grandparents, letting me spend Christmas with you, cheering me up with your stupid dances or “I am God” speeches when I’ve had a shit day… The list is endless! Have a great time in Magaluf and I promise I’ll be back for your 21st. Wouldn’t miss it for the world!! Just to show you how much you mean to me, I’m going to reluctantly agree to something and put it in writing: YOU ARE GOD loooool. Love you and take care of yourself turklet (don’t change and keep listening to Jessie J – Who You Are haha) xx
The B Family - Thanks for letting me spend Christmas with you all. Mr B. Thanks for the lift to the airport, even if we did get the wrong Holiday Inn hahaha I don’t think you’re going to let me live that one down for a while. Donna, I hope everything with your new house goes well. Can’t wait to see it when I get back! Stay in touch and see you in October x
Charlie – or should that be Charliiiiieeee lol? Let’s face it, you’re going to miss your little Tickle shouting that out around Asda!    Good luck in Newcastle, hope it all goes well for you. You’ve got to find a new Whetherspoon’s partner now. You take care of yourself and stay in touch but whatever happens, don’t come back to Kent with a Geordie accent lol!!! Manners…. Manners yourself! xxx
Avril – Thank you for letting me squat in your house for the last 10 months. Stay in touch, I’ll send as many postcards as I can. You’ve been almost like a second mom to me since I’ve been at yours so for that, thank you. When I’m back in Swanley I’ll come over, take over the kitchen and cook a huge dinner for us both. You never know, the chefs on the cruise liners might even give me some tips! X
Julie – I’ve got your addresse saved so there will be postcards coming your way. If I find any wild ravers I’ll send them down to you. Hope your knee recovers quickly because in six months me and you are going to let our hair down and do the can-can!! We might have to draw the line at wearing men’s boxers and crawling over tables haha! x
Mr. Mick – Thanks for the advice you’ve given me. Even though you say I’m like your sister you’ve been more like a second Dad to me. Quite worrying. I’m going to miss pulling your beard and climbing onto the back of your trolley, but I’ll be back… don’t think you’ve seen the last of me yet! No matter what I’ll always be a member of the Green Army lol. That reminds me, I “forgot” to give in my name badge. Oh well! GREEN ARMY!!!!!!! x
Grandadamus – I never did cook you that paella did I? My bad! I will teach you though… you’ll just have to remind me in 6 months! I have my Christmas card in my suitcase ready for this Christmas hahaha. Take care, look forward to seeing you soon! X
Andy – Should I admit that I nearly forgot about you? Shame I didn’t meet you before but again, sod’s law. Keep being a (peasant) pudding and doing what pudding pops do… whatever that may be! Don’t forget about your posh pudding now will you lol? Take care pudding and I’ll see you in October. Good luck with your driving test!! X
Pannett – You’ve scared me for life! I still have thoughts of wrinkly old men with saggy balls wearing nothing but speedos racing through my mind. Thanks a million haha! If I could be anywhere right now, I’d be in the Olympic for your birthday drink. Have a good one and have a drink for me! X
Matt – Good luck with university!!! Don’t go breaking any year 10’s necks in the meantime hahaha. I’ll try and send you some photos of where ever I’m going as soon as I can. If there are any nice, non fuckwit men around with bodies to die for… I’ll put them on a plane to England hahaha. I’m gonna miss our random chats. Let me know when you have your camera, if you need any tips or help, let me know. I’ll be on FB as much as I can. Take care my Man of 2011!!!!!!!!!! Xx
Mitch – Let’s face it, you’re the only Smelly-M! Take care of yourself and we will meet up for that drink as well as playing dead in the road, cone heads, climbing post box championship etc. etc. The drive home from Valenica keeps springing to mind… wonder why? “Argh Lou!” **winds the window down** lol x
If I’ve forgotten anyone, I’m sorry!!  Take care and remember (Terminator Style): I’LL BE BACK!!!!!!!! xxxxxx

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