sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Doom and Gloom

Doom and Gloom

30th April 2011
Hello from Naples – again! Today isn’t the greatest of days for a number of reasons.
Last night the team meeting was held in the photographer’s corridor (where our cabins are). Stuart had to wake me up and almost drag me out of bed. My shoulder was so sore after being prodded by the doctor. Jomar told Hernan and I at around midnight that we had training at 9am. We still had to get up to the crew bar, S.O.B. to welcome Fabio to the team with a few drinks.
Up in S.O.B. there was some serious drinking going on. Obviously, because of the pills the doctor gave me I couldn’t drink. To be fair, I wasn’t much fun and wouldn’t have been surprised if everyone was trying to avoid me! David was trying to make me laugh with his ridiculous facial expressions and it worked until the muscle in my shoulder just decided to stiffen up and throb. The pills weren’t doing much and neither was the “deep heat” type gel I was given. A few other things happened in S.O.B. that got a couple of us down but I won’t go into that… it can go down with the ship. Again, ship happens, I guess.
This morning I must have turned my alarm off because Luci woke me up at 09.00h. I ran around trying to get ready and bashing on Hernan’s door in my pyjamas. He didn’t open or pick up the phone. I got a pretty hefty bollocking when I walked into training 10 minutes late, luckily the trainer didn’t kick me out. What really annoyed me was Hernan was already there. For the past week or so I’ve been his alarm clock, waking him up in the morning for work and training or popping into his room to wake him up from a nap. The one time my alarm didn’t wake me up, he leaves without me and didn’t think to bash my cabin door down.
Four hours of non-stop training is pretty hard, especially when you’re tired and simply watching PowerPoint presentations. We had to have three breaks due to us all dropping off to sleep. Three of us, I’m included, fell asleep! One guy from Croatia fell asleep at least 3 times. The trainer in the end was furious and who can blame him? The Croatian tried to explain he finished work at 1am and started his next shift at 5am. The Yankie trainer wasn’t very lenient to say the least.
Training is finally finished and I’m sitting in my usual café using and abusing the wifi! Unfortunately the parents aren’t online and the weather here is dire! It’s cloudy, freezing cold and raining heavily. It’s strange how Naples still looks nice, even in the doom and gloom. 

I haven’t got long before I have to board the Mariner of the Seas again to help set up the studios. How the hell I’m going to help set up the studios, I don’t know. I doubt there’ll be time for a siesta but the tablets the doctors gave me are making me want to doze off!
Even though today is just a bad day, I wouldn’t say “no” to snuggling up in my old room at Avril’s house with a nice cup of tea and a book. Or snuggling up to Beaumont on the sofa watching crap on T.V. Plus I wouldn't mind speaking to my parents for a bit but I guess it'll just have to wait til next time.
No word from Image about my password. I've tried logging in from my laptop but the password's wrong. Just my luck!

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