martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Better Late Than Never!

Better Late Than Never!

Alright my Lemon Squeezers!!

Hernan and I have finally made it to our hotel in Rhodes, Greece and to put it politely, it is the pits! It’s 00.35 here and we’re up at 8 to get ready and join Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas. 

Being here in Greece is making me miss the Image training group and Miami. The whole Miami experience was fantastic, we had a great laugh, the people in the hotel were lovely, especially Juan and Rene for lending us our pool fridge. It’s a shame it ended so quickly but hopefully we can all meet up again soon, or we’ll bump into each other while cruising the Seven Seas. I’m starting to get anxious and excited about joining our new ship, Mariner of the Seas.
I finally heard from Sarah today. She’s cruising the Caribbean. It sounds like she is having a real blast too! Good luck to her! Sarah also told me she saw Pavlo today… well, he spotted her, grabbed and spun her around. Typical Pavlo! I’m really missing his jokes and crazy ways. The bugger’s still going to get a slap for not letting any of us know that he arrived at his ship okay. Pavlo, if you are reading this: YOU ARE IN TROUBLE YOU LITTLE PIZDA!!!! Hahahahahahaha
Pavlo 2.0 can you let us know when you FINALLY get to your cruise ship? Enjoy Miami while you still can.
Most of all I’m missing my partner in crime, Becks! She’s gone to Constellation (Celebrity) and got a bloody good route/itinerary. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet up soon. No doubt she’ll have the time of her life, but it’s a shame she’s not around. I’m missing her like I’d miss my right arm! Have a great time Becks! Love you sausage haha
There’s not much more to say. Guys from Miami training, in the previous blog there’s a list of everyone’s ship.
Night night all! x

2 comentarios:

  1. I promice to do it, you little burp-one!=)))


  2. haha I may be little but my burps are BIIIIG haha. Take care x
