lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Adios Miami!!

Adios Miami!!

11th April 2011

This will probably be my last blog in Miami. Hernan and I are getting the shuttle bus to the airport at midday. Our first leg of the journey is an overnight flight to Munich which will take about 9 hours and 30 minutes. 

The second flight is 2 hours and 15 minutes to Athens.  Finally we’ll be flying to Rhodes airport which will only take an hour. From there we’ll be in a hotel for the night and joining ship tomorrow morning. 

Fingers crossed all goes to plan and we don’t have any delays. The time slots between the flights are only small, for instance we have 1 hour and 30 minutes to get from our Miami to Munich flight to the plan going from Munich to Athens. For the last flight I think we’ll have to collect our suitcases and check in again as we’ll be flying with another airliner. The gap is only 3 hours. I’m so nervous as I don’t know what to expect! I hope I’m sitting with Hernan on the plane too. He’s great company and will be used as a pillow too haha!
Chet left this morning at silly o’clock. Chet, if you are reading, let us know when you get to your ship and have a safe journey!! 

Pavlo 2.0, Maksim and Gaz have left too. They’ve taken the shuttle down to the port – no flying for them the lucky sods! 

Becks (yes, you get another mention haha) has gone to the Image Group office to find out which ship she’ll be working on. Originally I thought saying bye to everyone was getting easier, well, they do say practise makes perfect! Saying bye to Becks was really hard, not long after I had to say bye to the other three. The tears were threatening to spring again! In a strange way it makes you want to stay away from people and keep a guard up. It’s part of the "cruise ship photographer job" so it’s something my overly emotional self will have to get used to… sooner rather than later!
My suitcase is packed – finally! I’ve just got to put my laptop cables in and lock up. 1hour and 45 minutes until the shuttle bus comes. Travelling to Miami my suitcase was 19.5 kilos. With all the uniform we’ve been given I’m sure it’s going to be overweight and I’ll have to pay a fee, or should I say "fine"? The first two flights allow 23 kilos plus hand luggage. Hopefully it’ll be okay. I know for sure that the suitcase will be too heavy for the final (domestic) flight.
At the moment I’m just sitting by the swimming pool with Chris and Anastasiia drinking Early Grey tea… God, I miss PG Tips already!!! I’m really going to miss my cups of English builder's tea! Right, I’d better upload this and put my laptop on charge. A full battery is needed for the plane - just in case. 

My nerves are really starting to kick in now!!! 

So, bye bye Miami… Hello Greece!!

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