miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

First Formal Night

First Formal Night

16th April 2011

Tonight is my first formal night and the last of this cruise. Although we covered Ressi in training, photographing your friends and people you train with, isn’t the same and shooting the real thing. Needless to say I’m pretty nervous. Then again, I don’t know what I’m more nervous about: trying to get into my ridiculous tuxedo or photographing the guests. I’ll take a photo of our formal night wear for you to see – it’ll give you something to laugh about!
The Mariner of the Seas will be at sea until tomorrow when we dock in Naples, Italy. Although the sea isn’t too rough it’s a bit choppy so the ship is rocking a bit more than usual. I’m not feeling too perky but Hernan is really feeling sea sick today. He’s taken travel sickness pills which aren’t doing their job.
At 13.30 both Hernan and I had Royal Caribbean training for newbies. Jomar made a slight mistake on our schedules. Training didn’t start at 13.30 but at 13.00h so we both arrived 30 minutes late – fantastic. We’ll have to redo that particular segment of the training and sign to say we have done the complete session.
Formal night is a big event on board cruise ships, especially as it’ll be the last one for this cruise. At 15.00h all the photographers will be setting up numerous studios with different back drops. All poses tonight have to be formal, no casuals.
Wow, we’ve just put on our tuxedos. Very few men can pull it off without looking like they are going to a fancy dress party as James Bond. The girls look like they should be in a women’s demonstration for equal rights. I, of course, resemble Penguin from Batman! Just as I was walking into Ressi for the first time, the button on my jacket came off and no, it had nothing to do with my forming beer belly!
First of all it was just Hernan and I in the dining area as it was quite. It was just to get to grips with the whole concept rather than chucking us straight in the deep end. Lee took me in for a demonstration and got turned down by two tables. My attempt wasn’t looking too bright! When it came to my turn on shooting the “banana” area things went quite well. Most of the tables didn’t mind having their photographs taken. Group shots aren’t as easy as you have to ask people to stop eating, get up and stand behind people from the opposite side of the table. Not easy. I got two groups which wasn’t great but it’s a start. For a new hire, according to the other photographers, it was a good attempt. It’s quite hectic though.
There’d be a second sesssion of Ressi later on. Next it was back to my studio for the night, Bolero. There’s a luxurious looking, red velvet couch as a prop. It’s not as easy as it seems but things seemed to go smoothly. There are two Latin couples who know how to pose so well, they just get on with it and you take their photo! They’ve been giving me so many ideas it’s untrue. I love it!! Some of the dresses the girls are wearing are beautiful! I wish I could post some of the portraits on here but unfortunately I can’t as Image own the copyright and I’d probably get more than a slap on the wrists if I did! It’d be more of a “chicken or beef?” situation.
Later, I was on LSP (Lifestyle Portraits). First up was an English couple and their little baby Sasha. As she’s full of smiles and always laughing, taking photos of her is easy. I was working on LSP for an hour. Jomar was standing behind me for about 20 minutes watching me work. That was particularly nerve wracking. He checked through my images for composition and posing techniques. He gave me a few pointers to improve a couple of minor details such as posing “larger” people, in other words, the "over feds". Apart from that he said my images were very good and keep it up! I was so happy!
Again it was back onto Bolero for a while before heading into Ressi for the final time. This time I was pretty much on my own. I was on deck 5. Richard was on the opposite side of the deck and Lee was working close by, just in case. Everything went pretty smoothly, I got turned down a few times. Not many tables wanted group shoots. Although it is understandable. I have to think up something to get the guests off their bums for a group shot. Jeni is the best at Ressi shooting. Let's see if she can give me a few improvement tips.
At the end of the night (about 01.00h) we were all sitting in the office eating pizza and having a laugh. Not a bad night over all. Tomorrow is going to be one of our main selling days as the cruise is coming to an end. The main issue is that, as we'll be in Naples, a port day, we are unable to sell retail for tax reasons.

On the bright side, Luci's been telling me all about Naples, she loves it. Tomorrow Luci's taking me to a great place to have lunch - pizza, of course!

Tuxedos on Formal Night

James & Jamesette Bond Reporting from the Titanic Studio - Formal Night

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