viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Message from Miami

Message from Miami
20th June 2011
Yesterday was a bit of a blur really. The only thing that I remember is the meeting we had, lasting a good couple of hours and finishing after 01.00. Mike, from Image, was talking about how our ship was doing, our performance statistics, how we can improve etc. 

While working in the gallery he was pointing out photos telling me what we should and shouldn’t be shooting. For example, at the Acropolis (Athens) there’s a certain area where we should stay and just get the same shot. “It has to be a consistent shot” he informed us. If we didn’t get the same consistent shot we wouldn’t sell anything. Rather than people looking for something unique they are looking for the same shot as everyone else? To me it didn’t ring true, but he's the one with the experience and knowledge under his belt.
During the meeting Mike said while we are dressed in costumes on gangway we have to act like the character we are portraying. If you’re a dolphin, we cannot speak to guests. One guy from another ship used to dress up as a bear and walk around talking to guests telling kids he was a talking bear etc. That’s no longer allowed as it’s unrealistic as bears can’t speak… well I never! We also have to exclude any modern poses if we are ancient characters, such as a Greek God giving the thumbs up! Some sounded a bit over the top but, oh well, rules are rules.
Now we are to have a Gallery Host who is there to welcome people to the gallery and help them find their prints etc. On some ships they are even dressed up in a costume. Mike is going to try and get us dressed up in the gallery depending on the event. So during 70’s night, the Gallery Host, should be dressed up in the relevant costume/clothing. Sounds like a good laugh! I’m up for that one!!
In short, the message from Miami was “do better”.

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