sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Stalker at Mount Etna?

Stalker at Mount Etna?

5th June 2011
I’ve only been to Messina once and didn’t get much of a chance to have a look around. This time I was hoping I’d be able to take the camera and just walkabout taking photos. I was almost right.

A couple of us were set to go on tour. and I was one of them. Stu was going wine tasting. Luci finally got her wish to go to the Godfather’s steps. She was over the moon to say the least. Me, well, I was off to Mount Etna!! 

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but either way, I was excited. Mount Etna is situated a two hour drive from the port of Messina which gave me and the guests a chance to get some shut eye. During the journey, I woke up and saw 90% of the passengers had fallen asleep. Poor tour guide!
Stu had warned me to take a jacket as it’s usually freezing cold up there. I asked if I’d be alright in just a hoodie. How cold could it get? His reply “yeah, if you think you’re hard core”. I was going to take my jacket… I just forgot it in my cabin and was running late.
Once we arrived at Mount Etna, I realized Stu had a point. It was cold but not unbearable. More like a spring day in England. Oh, and of course, I’m hard core! 

Setting the exposure, I starting trying to run around taking photos. Most people were more than happy to have their photo taken. The gale force winds were not only very nearly sweeping people off their feet but it seemed to bring out the best in people. Everyone was enjoying the fun of staggering around. On a couple of occasions I nearly stacked it. The wind was so unbelievably strong that one guest was worried shouting “you’re so small you’ll fly away”. Along with the wind was the ash and dust that the wind was picking up. I was worried the tiny bits of grit and stones would crack the filter on the lens.
Looking around for people to photograph I spotted an American guy standing nearby taking photos in my direction. I quickly moved out the way and carried on. Hopping on the bus we went to another spot with a bar and souvenir shop. Of course a magnet was needed and I also got something for my parents. 

Going outside I spotted the American guy again, he stopped me to say hi, asked where I was from, how long I’d worked on the ship etc. The usual questions.
Climbing up a crumbling slope of dried lava I started getting more photos of guests. Having my Royal Caribbean work badge on helped a lot, as soon as people saw proof that I was from the ship they were more likely to have their picture taken. 

Once again, looking around I spotted the American taking photos in my direction. As he was photographing Mount Etna, I didn’t think anything of it and made sure I didn’t walk into the frame. He smiled and asked if he could take a photo of me using my camera as it was my first trip there. He quickly took my photo, handed me back the camera and carried on snapping away on his camera.
As it was my first trip to Mount Etna I wanted to walk around. It was important to find “beauty spots” for future reference. Next time I come on the tour I’ll simply head straight to the area and wait for the guests to pass. In a way it’s like you’re waiting for potential victims to pass before you pounce and get their photo!! 

While walking around I took some time to take stock shots, not necessarily for Image but for me; the blog, Flickr.com, Facebook, parents and friends. Standing on a small wall I had a good view of the volcano and little tourist resort below. 

Turning around to jump off, the American guy was straddling the wall. He was taking photos again, but this time I knew for certain he was taking photos of me. The several times that I’d bumped into him, I thought he’d been taking photos of the scenery. Instead he’d been taking a series of photos of me. I don’t know whether my face gave it away but he said as if it was the most normal thing to say “hey, give me your email address and I’ll send you the photos”. Smiling, I walked off without anything to say… and that doesn’t happen often! What do you say?
Later on, I was standing in the coffee shop door way keeping out of the cold wind (ok, so maybe I wasn’t so hard core after all!) when I saw the guy talking to a woman. She was nearly in tears and he was pretty much on his knees, pleading with the lady “I was only talking to the girl”. My stomach twisted and flipped. Were they talking about me or was I getting the wrong end of the stick? Putting two and two together and getting five? I hoped so!
Getting back on the bus we had an hour’s drive to our next destination Taormina. The town reminded me a lot like Mijas but on a bigger, more historical scale. The town was incredibly picturesque. The tour guide gave us free time and immediately everyone ran off in different directions. I walked around spotting people with the tour sticker and started taking a few pictures. 

Walking down further I came to a large square with something to see on each corner! On two sides were stunning churches, one more modern than the other. On the opposite side of the square was the coast line. In one corner the sea and flat coast line. The other was the sea with a mountainous coast line. You could simply spin the guests around in a circle and get a four photos with fantastic backgrounds.
Back to the ship and it was already time embark and start the journey to our next port.

Tomorrow would be a sea day which means it’ll be formal night. The good news was that I had the rest of the evening off to relax and get some sleep. 

Walking into the photographer’s corridor the music was booming as usual. There’s always something going on in our little corridor. It’s what I love about the place!

Mount Etna - Sicily

Lava Rock

At Mount Etna

Volcano - Mount Etna, Sicily

View from Taormina

Taormina Square

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