sábado, 11 de junio de 2011


6th June 2011
Tonight is formal night and I’ve woken up feeling as rough as a dog’s backside! My neck and shoulders are aching along with the rest of my joints. My head is pounding, throat sore and I’ve got an almighty cough forming.

I didn’t have work until 13.00 and the clocks had gone forward. As the day continued I felt worse and worse. While working in the gallery, I popped into the office and Reuben asked if I wanted a medical form to see the doctor. Refusing, I carried on working. I really didn’t want to be signed off work again. Returning back to the office a bit later Reuben handed me the form and ordered me to see the doctor.
Heading down to the medical facility the doctor asked me what was up. I love how you go to the medical facility but you're never told what’s wrong with you! I was given a small bag stuffed with yellow pills, two sachets of night medicine to help me sleep and a handful of asprin. The doctor wanted to sign me off from work but I refused. I needed to work as it was formal night. Formal nights are busy and hard enough as it is without being down a person.
In the meeting Reuben asked why I wasn’t signed off. I told him why. He told me to take it easy and try not to use what was left of my voice. First off we were in the studios, mine for the first two session was Titanic and finally moving on to Fede’s Centrum. 

During the first seating of Ressi I was incredibly slow and couldn’t speed myself up. Feeling as rough as ever, I took the advice of the other photographers and went to speak to Reuben. Telling him I felt like hell he sent me back to my cabin to rest. 

Popping over to Stu’s LSP studio I grabbed his cabin key to get his external hard drive so I could watch a film. Jumping into bed, it wasn’t long before I dropped off to sleep. Hernan later popped in to see if I was okay before heading back up to his studio. 

Housekeeping soon came in to my cabin to clean so I had to move into Stu’s. Again I fell asleep and didn’t wake until the others had finished work at 01.00. Luci dropped a schedule and some sandwiches into Stu’s for me. A few people popped in to see how I was. Lifting my face off the pillow, it felt like I’d been given a royal beating!! Zoran couldn’t believe the size of my face! One side of my face had ballooned and my eye would hardly open!!
During the night I woke up several times, my face still swollen. I had to be up at 06.20 to get ready for gangway… Greek Goddess with a swollen face. How the hell that was going to turn out is anyone’s guess. 

Hopefully the meds would work and I’d feel better by then. If not, the guests will be having their photo taken with Quasimodo’s sister!

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