miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough
14th June 2011
Waking up this morning I checked to see what the time was. 10.15. I thought something wasn’t right. Jumping out of bed, I check the time on the cabin’s phone. 10.15. Shit! My alarm hadn’t gone off. Checking the alarm on my phone, I hadn’t gone back to sleep. It simply hadn’t gone off at 9! I was 45 minutes late for work! Grabbing the phone I rang Luci in the gallery to apologise and let her know I’d be up as quickly as possible. I asked why she hadn’t called and very nearly got my head bitten off “because I am too busy and have a lot of things to do”. She told me to speak to Reuben and do an extra hour elsewhere. 

Chucking my hair up and throwing on my uniform I ran up to the gallery and went looking for Reuben. He wasn’t about. If he was, I’d have been given a warning without a doubt. To be fair, I’d have quite happily taken the written warning as I’d cocked up famously. 

Getting behind desk to work, Luci called me to one side and told me not to tell Reuben or anyone else and to make the hour up somewhere else. No problem. Taking out the schedule she asked where I’d like the make up for the hour. I was fine with staying on an hour during the shift I was doing. Why should I choose where I make the hour up when I was the one that was late? Once that was settled I carried on working and trying to wake up. I couldn’t believe I’d woken up for work late and that my alarm hadn’t gone off. In a way I was also aggravated that no one else in the gallery had called the cabin, especially as I’m the one calling them if they are late or making sure they are awake on time.
Overall I’ve been feeling pretty down lately and I can’t manage to pick myself up. I’m not sure why I’ve been feeling this way but I’ve quite literally had enough of everything. Half an hour before we were due to close the gallery Ritesh came up from the lab to tell us we had studio portrait training. I’m one of the few who have New Hire Training books so I was sent to find mine. 

Going to the studio on Deck 3 Ritesh gave one of us the camera and told us to choose a couple. Me and Jeni went first and were joking around a bit. One of the poses is for the lady to put her hand on the guys chest. I was mucking around putting my hand an inch away from her chest. Ritesh moaned “the more you want to mess around, the longer it’s gonna take. I don’t care man. You waste your own time”. During the entire training he repeated the same thing like a broken record. 

Up next, I chose two Spanish speakers and did my posing in Spanish. Looking at the photos afterwards Ritesh did nothing but make critical comments. The hands were too high. Her fingers aren’t closed. “Come on these are the basics, man” he complained. One of my photos had too much head space and because of that I had to reshoot at the end. Reshooting, I got my poses right but now the head space was too tight. With Ritesh, you can't win, especially as if he takes a dislike to you.
Hernan trying to have a laugh got a handful of sterilising gel and first covered my hand in it. Then he shoved a load in my face. Some slapped me in the eye. Sterilising gel in your eye stings like a bitch! With a stinging, red and puffy eye, guess who Ritesh volunteered to pose for the next set of photos? Posing with David, Ritesh had to take the piss, laughing "oh shit man, she smiled. She looks better when she's pissed off and crying!" Fuck you, Ritesh!
Reuben called me into the office to speak to me. He’s told me I need to get new white shirts for my evening uniform. When I asked what was the matter with the ones I had, he told me that they were too short and couldn’t be tucked into my trousers. Apart from that, there’s nothing wrong with them. I can’t believe how picky Image/Royal Caribbean are being. You can’t see the bottom of my shirt with my jacket on. Reuben told me that Gordon (Marketing and Revenue Manager) is on the lookout and if I get caught I’ll get banana (ship talk for getting fooked). To me, it’s just petty. I look as smart as you possibly can, like everyone else, in the uniform but my shirt doesn’t tuck into my pants so it doesn’t meet Royal Caribbean’s uniform regulations.
At the moment I can honestly say I’ve had enough. I don’t want to be here anymore. Everything is getting to me. Someone is always on your case about something no matter how small or how hard you try. We are working our arses off and getting very little (financially) in return. I know I’m not here to purely have a good time but hell, at the moment this seems more like a jail sentence. If I had a home to go to, I’d go. Simple as.

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