sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Spa Day

Spa Day
5th June 2011
Our itinerary is now starting to seem like a bus route. As soon as the guests leave the ship we have another crowd waiting to board. We stop, off load the guests, load the new ones and turn around again. 

As you can probably guess, we are back in Italy for another embarkation. This time, I was lucky enough not to been shooting embarkation. I was on morning sale and had to be in the gallery for 06.45! Not fun! The best bit was I got from 11.00 til 16.30 off.
Denise from Spa asked me if she could use me as her lab/spa rat! She needed a model to use for her demonstration for the new guests. Ion therapy is something I’d usually frown upon. The treatment is supposed to make the treated area loose anything from 1 – 8 inches. As legs, thighs and bum were most in demand it was the area she wanted to use in her demonstration. I didn’t mind – maybe it’d stop my complaining for a while – if it worked! 

First she brushed my legs with a hard brush for the circulation. After she applied two different types of liquids before mixing an algae paste and slapping it on thick. Laying on top of a cover connected to electrical wires she started the machines. A series of electric shocks passed through my legs. It felt like needles stabbing me, making my leg muscles contract. After a while you got used to it and the power was upped. At one point I couldn’t contain myself – the higher the power the more ticklish it got.  

All I had to do is lay there while Denise gave the guests explanations as to what she was doing, what the treatment did and any packages/offers the spa had. Laying down for so long soon got the better of me and yes, I fell asleep! Let’s just hope I wasn’t talking in my sleep, catching flies or snoring while she was giving the demo… that would be embarrassing – more for her than me!
Looking at myself after the treatment I didn’t want to pass judgement in case I was being biased. Heading back to my cabin for a shower, I had to head back up to the gallery to set up the studios. 

Once the studios were set up I had to run back to the cabin and get my evening uniform on. Without a doubt my grey work pants were baggier. I’m going to have to swallow my pride and admit that the treatment does work… would I pay $159 for the treatment? Well, maybe if I was a millionaire or married to Lewis Hamilton!

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