martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Movie Night

Movie Night
2nd June 2011
Last night was a pretty eventful night. First of all I was doing an hour stint on what was supposed to be Royal Black (pure black backdrop) instead it was Vignette. Vignette comes in either black and white or brown and white. It looks like the awful patterned wallpaper you’d find in your Grandmother’s house. Having said that, it can produce stunning photos. The session was far from busy though which was a bit disappointing but to be expected.
I was fed up of just having people standing and wanted to use some of the things Stu had taught me. Outside the dining room are a line of chairs for waiting guests. One is a large, grand arm chair so I dragged it into the studio and positioned it. Taking a couple of minutes I did a few poses myself to check the angles and refresh my memory.
A mother and daughter came over and everything went well. I wasn’t too overly impressed with the photos but they were far better than any of my previous attempts. Even though they were good compared to what I’d taken before, I wanted better results.
Just as I was looking through the photos, a piercing shriek ripped through Deck 5. I looked around but couldn’t see where the screaming was coming from. A few other people looked around and then carried on with whatever they were doing. Again, the screaming kicked off and escalated. Looking around, we couldn’t see anyone. People started walking over towards my studio, towards the sound of the screams. All of a sudden it clicked where the screams were coming from… the lift (elevator). 

The power at the far end of the Promenade had cut off which had affected one of the lifts. The girl stuck inside was panicking. She was on Deck 7. I couldn’t run up as I had to stay with the studio and camera equipment but before you knew it crew members were running up towards where she was stuck.

The doors had failed to open but the lift itself had stopped where it should have done. People were calling up to say someone was coming. It didn’t have any effect. The screaming rapidly became more and more hysterical.

Some guests were asking why she was screaming so much “she’s only stuck in a lift”. This girl was obviously claustrophobic! Not only that, the lift is enclosed by glass so being scared of heights, suspended over 7 levels (and being able to see how high up you are) would make matters much worse!

Officers finally got her out and got her straight down to the medical facility. An electrician was sent to the lift but even after he’d fixed it, it was still playing up.
Returning to my studio, two American-Chinese girls came over. These girls were more flexible (younger) and willing to do what I wanted to get a good portraits. I took about 5 shots of them using the chair:  upright, tipping it over and laying the chair on its side. Looking through the photos afterwards I was extremely pleased with the results. Now I just wanted to see how they looked once they’d been printed but that was for tomorrow.
During my break I headed down the Promenade with Luci. Obviously I’d walked through the Promenade before but I’d never had a chance to look at what the shops had to offer. I was desperate for perfume!! The bottles Avril and Adam gave me were completely finished! Popping into the perfume shop I bought a bottle of BVLGARI “Rose Essentielle” and got a US$15.60 discount for being crew. Now, I smell nice… for less!
An hour later I was in the gallery. Stu and David the two South Africans were winding me up. Stu’s LSP studio light had caught fire! A couple of rude guests had set me back a bit and for some reason I started getting overly emotional. By the time I got out of the gallery it was 10.45 so I headed down to the lab where I had to sign a few health and safety papers. 

Ritesh also did a huge chunk of my check list with me. Two pages were completed. One more to do with Ritesh and another to go through with Paco.
Heading back to the photographer’s corridor I grabbed my calling card and went into Hernan’s cabin. Fede was in the lab and Hernan was working in the gallery so I knew I’d have a chance to be alone. Picking up the phone I tried calling Becks. I got through to the operator only to be told that her cabin number/phone was out of service. Great. 

Next I tried calling my parents in Uruguay but instead got an automated message saying the number wasn’t recognised. I burst into tears. Just as I did, the cabin door opened. It was Stu. I hadn’t even heard him come into the photographer’s corridor. Sitting next to me he gave me a cuddle. He spoke to me about a few things that had happened that day and asked why I was so down. I wasn’t too sure myself but things were getting to me. The small things mainly. Getting knocked back by guests or being called an idiot were contributions. Stu had a solution… he pulled out a chocolate bar out of his pocket and gave it to me. Apparently chocolate and a cuddle is enough to make anyone feel better. Again he told me that if I need to speak to someone I can always go to him. A little while later Hernan, David, Zoran and Fabio came in and joined us.
At last minute the photographers had arranged to have a movie night. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the projector as planned so we had to downside and use Ritesh’s laptop. Stu provided endless amounts of noodles, Grey Goose vodka, crisps and the film. Ritesh bought some juice and I supplied the coca-cola and Fanta. 

Before watching the film we all sat around having a laugh. Jeni bought her guitar; so along with Stu and Fede they all had a go at playing some music and having a sing-song. Reuben made an appearance later and joined us for a bit of the film. Originally we were going to watch Lord of the Rings but it was a bit late by the time everyone was in the corridor so we settled for I Am Number Four.
At about 01.00 Reuben told me that Luci (the soon to be AMS), Fede (P3 and lab assistant) and Stu (soon to be P3) were learning how to load and burn the Cruise DVD. He wanted me to go up to the gallery with them and learn how to do it. So I had to be up at 06.30 instead of 08.30. The only bonus was that the clocks were going back an hour as we were heading towards Italy.
The best part of all, the time of the DVD training was changed at the last moment… 6am to be exact! We all got a call to say that the training would now be at 07.30 instead of 07.00. The reason – Paco was too tired! An extra 30 minutes in bed wasn’t something to be sneered! It was more like a blessing… saying we are shattered would be an utter understatement.

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