miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Panama City Airport

Panama City Airport
1st February 2012

Panama City - 07.00 (12.00 GMT)

The plane has touched down at Panama City and the gate to my next flight was straight in front of the one I've exited. Handy.

The flight to Orlando is going to be jam packed with children, traveling to Disney World and there’s already a little one laying of the floor, kicking her shoes off and having a screaming tantrum. Oh and there’s more,  she’s just karate kicked her sister in the head – twice!

Also in the queue to board the plane are Team Toselli made up of about 5 men and 30 teenager girls. All have matching backpacks stating “The Magic Experience” and “Team Toselli” shirts. It’s all Disney but are they going to Disney World or Disney Magic cruise ship?

There are even a pair of Mickey Mouse ears going past. It’s safe to say, I’m definitely getting close to Disney World…


08:00 – 13.00 – Panama City Airport

When most of the people had boarded the plane, I decided to stop blogging and get in line. Closer to the front I realized everyone was having their bags searched as well as being tapped down. As always I thought of all the equipment in my camera bag (2 DSLRs, 2 lenses, batteries, external hard drive etc.) and felt sorry for those who were standing behind me. Searching me, thanks to my equipment, can take a very, very long time.

Opening up the top pocket zip, the security guards pulled out my cigarettes and proceeded to take them out the box. What was she doing? A scary thought that she might throw them away, popped into my head. A couple of seconds later and the penny dropped – she was looking for drugs inside my cigarette packet. As I had cigarettes, I of course, had a lighter. Upon  finding this the female security guard went into a frenzy pulling everything out of the pocket until she found a second lighter. “You aren’t taking these” she told me before chucking two lighters in the bin.

Zipping up the pocket, she tapped down the sides of my camera bag, going back up again, she pulled a face as if it say “what have I found here?” before giving my camera backpack two slaps and a shake. I winced in pain at the sight of my cameras getting knocked about or the thought of them getting broken somehow.

Pushing my bag roughly towards me and pointed towards the plane “Go now”. I didn’t need to be told twice…


10.07 – 15.07 (GMT)

How the hell I’m going to put up with little children while on Disney Magic, I don’t know. So far everything has gone really well. Luckily enough I’ve managed to sleep most of the way, until about fifteen minutes ago.

Unfortunately for me, I’m sitting next to one of the girl’s from “Team Toselli”. At first that wasn’t a problem until her two friends came down to wake her up and keep her company. Shouting, laughing, pulling the back of my chair – why can’t they go away?! The constant “I want to get there already” is driving me insane, that, and the popping of their bubble gum!

Another hour and a half to go...

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