domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Land - Finally!

Land – Finally!

8th February 2012

Finally, the day has arrived! Today we’re in Cozumel, Mexico and have no training plus start work at 15.30.
Since joining Disney Magic five days ago, this was the first time I was able to get off the ship. The first time my feet have touch land in five days. It felt almost like a transatlantic with a twist as your workmates and other crewmembers can get off the ship.

Laying in until 09.30 was pure bliss! I met up with Clarita at 10.30 and we headed off the ship and into Cozumel. We just went for a wander to get our bearings and have a look around. The entire place  is set up for tourism. When you get off the ship you are straight into a duty free shopping area like when we docked in Kusadasi, Turkey on Mariner of the Seas.

Again we were joined by Celebrity Solstice, which was docked at the far end of the port. I completely forgot to send a message to Gudrun about meeting up next time we are in Grand Cayman or Cozumel.

First of all, Clarita and I popped into Señor Frog, a crazy novelty bar. I’d heard a couple of stories about the place and needed to take a look for myself. I wasn’t disappointed either. Surrounding us were wacky sings “you’re only allowed to drink if you are this tall”, “if you are this tall, you are a lightweight” “Sorry. We are open!” etc. The music was great and turned full blast – something Clarita absolutely hated. She said the music being so loud made her panic…! Drinks come in two sizes, small and large. They say small, the smallest drink size available comes in a Yard Glass which you are free to take with you.

It wasn’t long before we had to move on as the noise was driving Clarita crazy, and her commenting on the subject was sending me around the bend!

Walking past Star Bucks, we bumped into three of the other photographers Aniko (Hungry), Mark (Belarus) and Maryna (Belarus). Mark and Maryna were heading to the supermarket so Clarita and I joined them to pick up a few things. Clarita ran around the supermarket like a headless chicken looking for sugar free, protein full snacks to keep in her cabin… then started hunting down bottles of wine and crisps. This only had Maryna and I laughing in the aisles.

Mark pointed us in the direction of Hotel Barracuda, one of the two No Name bars. Both No Name bars were apparently started up by ex-crew members. The place was located on the edge of the ocean. There was a swimming pool, bar areas at relatively crew-like prices, free wifi, a pier to jump into the ocean, sun bathing areas etc. The thought of Zoran telling me to avoid the place sprung to mind and in a way, I could see why. But, I had to go at least once, just to get in touch with the outside world.

Until next week, I’m going to do some research as to where else there is to go. It’s not every day you come to Cozumel. I want to see as much as I can of the place… and No Name crew bars isn’t on that list. It’s a false environment, as corny as it may sound, I want to explore the real Cozumel.

Back on board the ship, it's Pirate Night and a great laugh! I’m still getting used to setting up the studios so it’s a bit confusing. You know you are getting some of the team down by asking loads of questions, but what else can you do?

For the duration of the night I was shooting characters: Pirate Chip and Dale and Pirate Stitch. Clarita was on portside (left side of the ship) shooting Peter Pan, a real nut case, the crowd loves him! Captain Hook and Smee. Upstairs Aniko was shooting the Pirates of the Caribbean backdrop with Captain Jack Sparrow. The vast majority of the guests were decked out in pirate gear, even if it was just an eye patch. Some went to the extreme of wearing pirate costumes with fake parrots attached to their sleeves/shoulders.

In between shooting characters where I took about 700 images, we were in the dining rooms shooting Ressi (pairs, groups and children). First we’d get the usual smiling photo and next came the “Pirate face” picture. It was great fun getting everyone to bend their finger into a “hook” and shouting "ARGH!!!" like pirates.

By the end of the night, from shouting like a pirate and making funny noises at children so they’d look at the camera, my voice decided it was going on strike!! I hope it’s back tomorrow as it’s semi-formal night.

Everyone seemed in high spirits today and I can, thankfully, say that it was the first time I’ve enjoyed working on this particular ship. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun and it certainly did!

Pirate Chip and Dale
(Ariana's Photo)

Peter Pan Flying

Peter Pan and Pirate Mickey Mouse 
(Wes's Photo)

Me, Clarita and Disney Magic

Finally on Land

Welcome to Cozumel, Mexico

Disney Magic

Our New Home for 6 Months


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