miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Snow White

Snow White

 27th February 2012

A few weeks back, I thought I’d be shooting Snow White in the Princess Gathering, turns out I was swapped for Aurora - fine by me. I love shooting Aurora. Speaking to a friend on Facebook, I said I had to go or else I’d be late for Snow White. A few crude, yet hilarious comments we made about Snow White and Dopey but I won’t go into that!

This week, as soon as I found out I was shooting Snow White, the jokes came back to me. I had a smiling from ear to ear, just at the thought of it all.  Poor Snow White, I couldn’t look at her in the face without smirking or giggling. She must have thought I was laughing at her or I was losing the plot.

This Princess Gathering was probably one of the most irritating session I’ve ever shot. The greeters were having troubles moving the guests over to the other side of the photographer, which keeps the line going.

Also, getting the guest's Sea Pass Card, or as it’s called here, Key To The World Card, for us photographers to swipe was so difficult, some really didn’t want to hand it over. One person even told the greeter “don’t bother, we’re all set for our own pictures”, held up the US equivalent of a Canon EOS 400D with a small flash gun attached, before given me a foul look and standing inches in front of me to take his own photos. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not have the patience or cool to keep my trap shut!

Nicely, with a smile on my face, I asked if he could step to the left of me where he’d be able to get some pictures after I’ve taken TWO myself. He looked around and then carried on what he was doing. More sternly, I had to tell them man he was to stand at the side of me and not to worry that he’d get plenty of time to get a picture with his own camera. Standing in front of him, I quickly took three photos. Within 30 seconds he was taking his own photos but incredibly irritated by being told to step to one side.

Personally, I hate allowing guests to use their own cameras when I’m shooting and I don’t care whether I’m in my studio or photographing the characters. It rankles! I’m “Royal Caribbean Style".

Instead of shooting Black, as planned, I was going to be spending the first session shooting a private photo shoot. Nice! Straight away that’s $40 in my pocket for 1 hour’s work. The couple, both Americans, got married a couple of days ago in Disney World and are now on Disney Magic cruise as part of their honeymoon.

The bride is Disney mad – especially Mickey Mouse. She even wore a pair of white, sequined Minnie Mouse ears with a veil attached. My biggest problem, was that the lady is a blinker. On many occasions I had to stop, zoom in on the photo, just to make sure her eyes were open. They didn’t mind though. In fact, they liked that I paid attention so much as to check her eyes were open!

Another slight difficulty I had was my Quantum flash. Quantums and I aren’t the best of friends so I was dubious as to how the shooting would go. At the beginning, I had a few minor troubles with the flash. I’ve been using a different setting to what I did on the Mariner of the Seas. After a couple of test shots and fixing the flash power, I got the hang of it and things ran smoothly from then on. Phew!

Up on the outer decks, it was mighty windy and the bride’s hair and dress were blowing around like no one’s business. Having said that, she didn’t mind, she just wanted her pictures taken. To be fair, looking through the photos, the wind gave an extra something to many of the portraits. There’s one in particular, where the couple are walking hand in hand towards me, the wind behind them. The cream ribbons on the bride’s dress are swirling towards the camera, the couple are beaming. My poor description really doesn’t do the photo much justice and I doubt I’ll be able to get any of the photos uploaded on here.

An hour later I rushing to my break, before having to get to Black fifteen minutes early. Carolee was on LSP. There were two characters in the middle of the lobby. Both Black and LSP were empty while the queues for Sailor Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Donald and Daisy Duck and Chip and Dale were massive! Even the greeters couldn’t believe how much traffic there was. In the entire evening, I think I only shot between 30-40 images… in two and half hours.

Carolee definitely got the most entertainment in her studio. Two kids were sitting down on the backdrop (which has a white sheet on top so the kids can lay down etc.) One of the girls was holding onto her… bits, shall we say? Carolee gently told her to let go of herself. As the girl removed her hand, a puddle of pee came flooding out from beneath. The poor kid had desperately been trying to hold it in!

Once the pee was quickly cleared, Carolee had more people in the studio. The ship was rocking quite a lot, as usual when sailing this itinerary (Eastern Caribbean) and you guessed it, there was a "protein spill" as Disney like to call it. In other words, a child was sick all over the white LSP backdrop.

Straight after throwing her guts up she peered up at the camera with a huge smile plastered on her face, ready for her photo, while a rather large pile of sick lay 30cm below!

That was the second protein spill we, the photographers have had today. The first was in the queue for Princess Gathering. A little girl, first in line, threw up all over the floor and her princess dress. Her parents simply stripped her Princess dress off (thankfully, she had a vest and shorts on underneath) and sent her for a photo with the Princesses. Her face was a white as a sheet, but there was no way her parents were stepping out of the line! We were worried that one of the little kids would throw up on one of the princesses. That would be a nightmare!! Apparently there have been the odd occasion where a toddler has peed on a Princess!!

Snow White
(Julia's Photo)

Princess Tiana and Snow White
(Julia's Photo)

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