miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Posing with the Princesses

Posing with the Princesses

21st February 2012

We’re in Grand Cayman today and unfortunately for us photographers, our schedule doesn’t allow us to get off the ship. Surprise! Most of the team haven’t visited the island – it’s a bit of a bum note!

Waking up at 09.30, I didn’t have work until lab set up at 10.30. Taking my time, I got ready and went to the Mess for breakfast.

Half way through eating, Maryna came in to get me. Everyone excluding myself and Carolee had training at 10.00. Wrong. Maryna informed me that Dave had made a mistake on the schedule. Carolee and I were needed in the training session. I wasn’t too impressed to say the least. Straight away my working day just went from 10.5 hours to 11. No doubt my working hours will extend somewhere else, too.

After the meeting, we set up the lab before having two hours off. As soon as I could, I was in the gym for about 45 minutes before it came surprisingly busy. Coming back to the cabin, I got ready for studio set up and sat around chilling for 30 minutes.

Again I was shooting Princess Gathering. To be fair, I thoroughly enjoy shooting Princess Gathering. It’s a lot of fun. Sometimes I think I enjoy Princess Gathering more than the kids do! Worrying!

Rather than setting up LSP after Princess Gathering, we did it at the same time. After the gathering, all we had to do was break down one light and attach it to the LSP autopole. It’d take five minutes. Bonus as by the looks of things, I’d get an extra hour break.

We soon ran into a few problems with Clarita. Kate tried helping her out by setting up her studio sign (sample shots, studio times and a no entry sign for when closed) so that Clarita didn’t have to do it later. Little did Kate know, she’d set up the sign for the wrong studio. Clarita was shooting LSP and not Black so the sign had to be redone. It’s a simple mistake. Clarita had a go at Kate and even went as far as to accuse for her “stealing” her “Studio Closed: Do Not Enter” sign. 

Next I asked Clarita to chuck me the expo case as I had to run up to Deck 4 to help Aniko out in her studio. She didn’t hear me… or so I thought. I called again “I heard you. You’ll have to wait. I’m in the middle of something”. Closing a pentab case takes two seconds! I walked down the stairs to Deck 3 and just as I was nearly there, Clarita threw the cover and informed me “You have legs!”

I was furious at her snapping at everyone. I was even more annoyed by the fact that I’d just spent five minutes helping her sort out a problem with her radio slave, only to find out she wasn’t attaching it to the camera properly. She’s a Photog 2 for crying out loud!

After helping out, I walked over to where Cinderella would be posing to test the lights and gave the expo to Carolee. She mentioned Clarita snapping at people so I told her what’d happened. Her reply was “she’s acting pissy at everyone because she’s leaving. Good riddance.”

Soon enough the princesses arrived. I was first in line and shooting Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora. Working with the princesses is so easy going as they know what they have to do and how to get the best results. All I have to do is make a noise to get the kids looking at the camera and press the shutter release button.

Princess Gathering which is usually pure madness was incredibly quiet. I was shocked, we all were, even the princesses. When things went quite I told Aurora’s greeter Jennifer to move in for a photo with the Princess. Aurora called me over, “I want a photo with my Princess Gathering photographer”. I bounded over to Sleeping Beauty like a child!

Soon Clarita came over wanting me to take a photo with her and Aurora. For someone who was talking to people like crap, she certainly knew how to change her tune when it suited her. Next I went on to get one with Princess Tiana. Later on I had all three princesses and greeters standing in a line, posing for a photo together. I’ll have to get it printed and get a copy to them. The only princesses I hadn’t had my photo with are Snow White and Cinderella. That time will come.

The princesses finished up early, allowing us to get LSP done and dusted. As we finished up early we’d got ourselves an hour break. This was added onto my hour dinner break.

Meeting Kate in the Mess, we quickly had lunch before she ran to shoot more characters. I came back to the cabin to type up my blog entries and here I am.

It’s 18.26 now, so I have to change into my evening uniform soon and get off to Shutters before coming back to change into my black shirt and heading into the lab for printing. I’m going to take a spare memory card with me and get some photos off the server to upload to Facebook and send to the Mama.

So far the day’s going well. Fingers crossed it continues.


It’s nearly 1am here and we are on our way to Cozumel, Mexico. The great news is that the clocks go back tonight - for 24 hours.

In the gallery I managed to sell a couple of packages and five folios which pleased me no end. So far, I’ve made a whopping $5 in commission – big round of applause for me! Of course there is a slight hint of sarcasm in that comment.

Later on, at the end of the night I was working in the lab printing the character shots from Kate and Mark. Mark’s cropping is terrible. He’s not zooming in and out so it’s making his cropping too tight and in many cases cutting peoples toes/feet/hands/fingers off. Oh, and the bobble on Goofy’s hat. I had leave printing to observe him shooting for a while, to make sure he was/wasn’t zooming in and out. He wasn’t.

When I asked about zooming in and out, Mark told me “what’s the point?” before pointing to his pentab screen, “look, it’s a perfect crop for this group shot”. When I nicely told him it wasn’t, the cropping was too tight, he replied, telling me I was wrong! I was shocked. It was better me telling him about his cropping than management. Mark wouldn’t have any of it. I was wrong, he was right. Now, unfortunately Diva is going to have to have a word with him if his cropping doesn’t improve.

Kate’s cropping on the other hand, was spot on 95% of the time. The other 5% were just minor adjustments. Like I said before, when you have someone who knows what they are doing, it makes life in the lab so much easier.

After work I sat around in the lab chatting to Diva and Carolee while getting photos off the server to add to Facebook and send home for the parents.

 Rama bought his friend’s guitar down and started having a sing-song with Carolee. Rama is actually a very good singer, but the faces he pulls when singing, had Carolee on the floor, crying with laughter. That only got Diva and myself laughing. Rama carried on as if nothing was happening which made everyone crack up more. They were singing everything from Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You, Adele’s Someone Like You and Amy Winehouse’s version of Valerie. It was such a great laugh, a brilliant way to end the night.

Posing with Princess Aurora

My Princess

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