miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Caffeine Overdose

Caffeine Overdose

20th February 2012

Today seemed like another fully packed day. In all, I was scheduled for 11 hours work. It was formal night so you know you’re in for a long night and you’ll exceed the hours on your schedule. Bloody hell though, I didn’t expect us all to be so pushed, running around like blue arse flies, shooting like paparazzi. It was unbelievable, non-stop from start to finish.

My poor index finger kept cramping and wanting to go on strike! My voice box closed down on a few occasions and refused to start back up again, until I gave it a rest.

I was shooting Moon on Deck 3 Atrium. That’s all fine, but do we really have to set up next to a stage where there’ll be a live band for 75% of the night? For the first two sessions in my studio, I was contending with the band and singer as to who could make the loudest noise. Guess who won?

I was screaming at the guests while doing the movements. Unfortunately, the movements weren’t enough for the children to understand so the shouting was vital. When it came down to the adults, most understood the movements. When I tried speaking to a guest my voice croaked and went on holiday! Laughing the guest was kind enough to give me a Halls sweet. It was just my luck that I couldn’t been seen by thirty odd guests popping a sweet into my mouth.

During my studio stint I had a huge number of groups. “There’re 13 of us – 8 adults 5 kids.” Once the adults are in place, you’ve got to sort the kids out. Not an easy task when all they want to do is run wild and jump around – basically they want to be kids and not smile for the camera.

The Red Bull and Coca-Cola I’d been drinking beforehand was hyping me up, helping me move as quickly as I could, trying to keep numerous children in line and from not tearing down the backdrop. When the Red Bull and other energy drinks come out in an abundance, you know, for sure that it’s formal night!

During Ressi we didn’t have Bjanka, who was replaced by a new hire. We felt the strain of her departure. Aniko, Kate and I charged through our dining room, Lumieres, as if the place was on fire. Next we headed into Parrot Cay and helped out Clarita and Mark. Once finishing up there we noticed Inna (the Ukrainian new hire), Maryna and Carolee hadn’t come down to meet the rest of the group. This is a sure sign that they haven’t finished up in their dining room, Animator’s Palate.

Running up the stairs, only a small chunk had been photographed. The new hire had spent around 15 minutes photographing one table. Apparently when she was told “do some combinations” she’d taken it quite literally and gone overboard. According to Carolee, she’d taken about 30 pictures of the same table, different combinations. Finally, when we’d surged through, we had to charge back to the studios. Usually we’d have a five minute breather before going back, but not today. We were almost late for studios.

The good thing to come out of it was that I exceeded my Ressi target with 220 for the first session (125 was my target) and in the second, 180 (target 125). Result!

By the end of my studio session, which was deserted during the last hour, I’d just surpassed my target by 6 images. Daisy and Donald Duck were out and obviously the entire ship’s focus was on them - not the studios. Understandable but frustrating when you only need 30 more images before hitting target. Luckily I did it – just. I need to move faster though.

Throwing the studios down, Kate and I paired up. First we broke down Moon before running up to Ship (Kate’s studio). By the time both studios were down and bags packed away, the vast majority of the other studios had been broken down.

Clocking out, the team headed up to Topsiders for pizza and chicken tenders.

Carolee had us in stitches about smudging for Clarita’s studio – Statue. In the middle of the Atrium there’s a statue of Mickey Mouse holding onto a ship’s wheel. The people pose around it, this is usually managed by the smudger, in this case, Carolee. Replaying the story to the rest of the team, Diva came up during the second session and asked Clarita why she’d been cropping the Mickey statue around the eyes or not getting all the ears in. Clarita’s response was “Well, I didn’t know I had to get the statue in, too”. At this point, Carolee, hyped up to the point she was shaking from drinking Monster, turned around to Clarita, looking as angry as hell “what the bloody hell do you mean Mickey’s being cropped out?” before flipping her head towards the guests, big, dazzling smile on her face and speaking in soft tones “okay ma’am, just look this way, heads in. Lovely.” Next she reverted back “Clarita, take the picture already!” She was in her Jackal and Hyde mode. Even Carolee couldn’t help laughing her head off while recounting the story. None of us could believe someone shooting Statue, would cut half the Mickey’s head off, because they didn’t realize that was the main focus and therefore had to be in the photo...

Mickey Mouse Statue, Disney Magic

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