jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012



23rd February 2012

Today has probably been the worst day I’ve had on board Disney Magic. Waking up at 9, I had to leave my cabin quickly due to the weekly cabin inspection. Sitting around on Deck 5 forward, I gave the parents a call. I didn’t have long as I forgot to charge my laptop battery.

Speaking to Mom, she didn’t sound like her usual self; her hair’s getting thin and joints are aching from the chemotherapy. Not being there is getting harder as I feel as though I should be there to help out. There’s not a lot that I can do, but something is better than nothing.  In many ways I feel guilty for leaving them to it.

I needed something to do so I went to work 30 minutes early to set up my camera and pentab. Heading over to Preludes with my things, I bumped into Kate who asked me to let her know if the lights hadn’t been set up. She’d asked Mark to set it up but by the looks of it, he hadn’t. Arriving at Preludes, it hadn’t been set up and I had no idea of the lighting set up. Going back to Kate, we quickly rushed through the lighting set up before she had to charge back to the Atrium for the Princess Gathering.

This is the first time I haven’t shot the Princesses. Today I was shooting Princess Minnie Mouse. The expo and light metre were dropped off to me but no one could give me a hand as everyone had to shoot. It’s a good job I learnt to test the lighting at college or else I’d have been screwed! A friendly guest came to Preludes to queue up for Minnie. She was good enough to help me hold up the expo “reflector” (the expo disc has gone walkabouts) while I tested the white balance. For those two minutes of help, I was incredibly grateful. It was a good job I’d arrived at Preludes early or else we’d have been in big trouble.

People soon started arriving when Princess Minnie Mouse made an appearance. Unfortunately there weren’t as much as I expected but then again, Minnie wasn’t where the masses were queuing up. They were all waiting for Tiana, Aurora, Belle, Snow White and Cinderella. By the end of the session which only lasted 20 minutes instead of 30, I had 119 images.

Still feeling down in the dumps and wanting to speak to the Mama, I headed into Shutters. Rama left pretty much as soon as I got there. Shutter was really busy compared to normal, with a few people were getting in a huff about the queue. I was darting all over the place, helping guests, showing them how to use the kiosk and writing out re-print forms. The guests weren’t annoyed with me, but frustrated they’d only been one person scheduled to work in the gallery. Understandable. I only managed to sell two folios. On the other hand I sold a few of Choice (20 credit) Packages and two GTPs. I sorted out a tier Get The Picture package for nearly $800. Rama will be charging for the packages later on today.

One little girl came into the studio with her Nan. I’d taken her photograph last night on LSP.  Both of them were lovely. She showed me a photograph I took last night. Both were lying on the floor, face in their hands as if they were watching T.V. The lady thanked me for taking such a great photo, commented on how marvellous my portraits were and another thank you for having patience. They were easy going in the studio so I don’t know where the patience side of things comes into it but, what the hell?! The comments were a huge boost. Mental pat on the back. The little girl even asked me if I could sign her autograph book as I was her favourite photographer. “To Nathalie, Hope you had a Magical cruise. Best wishes, Lou (Photo Department)” – it reminded me of Mariner of the Seas and the comment Zoran once made when someone asked me to sign their gangway photograph “this is the writer of the group so expect a lot to read” or something along those lines.

During set up I started to feel worse and more upset then before. I wanted to speak to Mom again and make sure she was okay. A few things were said during set up and that was that. Back in my cabin I burst in to tears.

Desperately trying to contain the tears I went over to Kate’s for a cigarette. As soon as she asked if I was okay the flood gates opened. About 15 minutes later Kate called Diva and told her what had happened. A little while later the schedule had been changed and I was told I had the night off. Diva told me it wasn’t right for me to be "working in this state of mind". Also, I was told that I can’t be hysterically crying in the guests area and if a guest was to make a comment, I’d snap. Image and Disney can’t have that, so I was sent to my cabin. I was told to call my parents and calm down.

Running back to the cabin I grabbed the phone and called the parents in floods of tears. I want to go back to Uruguay and help them out, but can’t. I’m stuck on a ship in the middle of the Caribbean Sea feeling useless. If Mom’s having a good day, I’m happy. When she’s not, I automatically get worried, panicky and upset.

Again, it’s two worlds colliding. I knew this would happen. After a long call home I calmed down a bit but I’m still feeling pretty useless and wanting to go home. Being so far away, although I’m used to it, at this point in time seems unnatural and almost selfish. For once, I wish I lived in the same country and had a standard 9 to 5 job.

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