sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012



18th February 2012

No, I haven’t resigned although, the thought has crossed my mind more than once! Clarita has resigned (again) and will be disembarking from Disney Magic on Saturday 25th February 2012. Turn around day. This will be her last cruise.

I say “resigned again” because this is actually the second time Clarita has resigned from Image Photo Services. According to Clarita, a couple of months ago she got an email from Image asking if she’d like to come back to ships. She’d rejoin ships as a Photog 2 and wouldn’t have to attend Image training again. As she wants to travel and had nothing better to do, she agreed. Three weeks later, she’s decided to go home.

In all fairness, I can see where she’s coming from. This ship is not exactly the best place to be. The Disney Cruise Line rules are very strict, especially when comparing them to Royal Caribbean’s.

Moneywise, let’s not even go there! I was earning the same amount, give and take a little, during Italian season on Mariner of the Seas in Europe (those cruises were notoriously bad earners).

As for the ports, we get very little time off to explore the ports. Some days we only get 2.5-3.5 hours. Depending on where you are, determines whether or not you can leave the ship (tendering or non-tendering ports). That side of things however, is not down to Disney, it’s down to your BM who organizes your schedule. Having said that, Kate said her previous manager on Disney Magic was much fairer with time/rest periods compared to Dave.

With what happened to Carolee this morning, it’s a bit of a wakeup call. So although it’s a shock Clarita’s leaving, at the same time it isn’t. Most of the team fully understand why she’s resigned. Claritas main fault is probably returning as it's cost her much more than she's earnt: return flights (Image rule change: you pay your flight to the ship. If you resign, you pay your flight home, too) and $500 Image deposit.

Ship life isn’t the life for everyone. As some people say: ship life is shit life.

On a brighter note, I’ve just got back from the Walt Disney Theatre to see the Welcome Aboard guest show. I’m going to be honest and I hope I don’t sound bitchy but it was very poor. During my time on the Mariner I saw snip bits of shows and listened guest’s endless compliments for the show on board. Here, I’ve heard nothing about the shows and by the standards of this one, I can see why. Claire from Spa commented that the Welcome Aboard show is bad but the others are much better. To be harsh, I thought the talent of the entertainers was a bit below par. I expected big hyped dance numbers with moves and lifts that amazed you. Booming voices that would make even Simon Cowell sit up and take notice. Instead, it was all very weak and I feel terrible for saying such a thing. Maybe if I’d not seen parts of the Mariner of the Seas shows, I’d think differently.

On a note of resigning... don't worry. As much as I may want to leave (sometimes). Jobs are gold dust, experience is worth more than gold dust, I want to be prepared for better times and I'm travelling for free(ish). As much as I'm finding working on Disney Magic hard going, I do plan to complete my six month contract. Like everything, with every job there are ups and down. Living and working on a ship just intensifies everything but I'll be here until the end of July.

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