miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Welcome to Disney Magic

Welcome to Disney Magic

6th February 2012

Since arriving at Disney Magic on Saturday 4th February, everything has been a real blur!

We arrived at about 06.15 and were herded straight into training until 18.00 with an hour break somewhere in between. Unfortunately for me, Disney Cruise Line won’t accept my Royal Caribbean training certificates so I have to redo everything. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass, but what can you do?

After training Clarita and I helped Aideen carry her suitcases up four flights of stairs. She later repaid the favour by helping us carry outside cases down two flights of stairs. Clarita and my cabin are at the very bottom of the ship, one below tween deck and one above the ship’s engine rooms.

I remember walking into my cabin for the first time and thinking it was tiny. Well, the cabins on Mariner of the Seas are massive compared to the little cubby hole I’m living in now. At only 5’1, I wouldn’t be able to lay on the floor without hitting a bed, wall or chest of drawers. With a bit of breathing in, I’d probably just be able to squeeze myself into my wardrobe!

It’s taken me two days to finish unpacking believe it or not, because we have literally been running from training to work.

On our first day, after training, we met up with our new BM, Dave, in the lab. He told us to get changed into our evening wear and meet the AMS, Rama in the gallery (known here as Shutters) in 45 minutes. We hadn’t unpacked and were rummaging through out suitcases looking for our uniforms.

The gallery, or Shutters, was deserted and both Clarita and I were dead on our feet, simply wandering around. There was nothing for us to do. Eventually an English photog, Kate, piped up and asked the AMS if we could go as we’d been up since 4am. We could, but only for an hour as we had a meeting at 23.15 in the lab. Needless to say, Clarita and I were walking zombies after 17 hours work/training. As soon as our heads hit the pillow, we were out like lights. What a welcome to Disney Magic!

I’m making it sound as if Clarita and I are sharing cabins, which we aren’t. Apparently, according to the other photographers, we should be. Clarita is currently living with a shoppie, while I’m sharing with a Thai girl, nicknamed Cookie, from the dining rooms.

If I’m totally honest, I’m not too sure about Disney Magic. It’s making me miss Royal Caribbean, Mariner of the Seas, but most of all, my previous photo team. There’s very little to do here if you’re crew, especially when comparing it to Mariner of the Seas. Also, there are so many rules here at Disney Cruise Lines, it makes you feel slightly imprisoned. For example, there’s a crew area at the front of the ship where the crew swimming pool is located. Guests can look down at us from Deck 11, their swimming pool areas. If you are on the phone or smoking, you have to stay up against the wall, where there’s a small ledge, so the guests above cannot see you. That or you have to hide inside or behind a shower cubicle.

For my first week, I have to have a piece of ribbon attached to my name tag featuring the Disney expression “I’m Earning My Ears”. Oh yes, it’s like stamping “I’m New!” across my forehead. There were a couple of Inbetweeners moments walking past a few existing crewmembers.

After 1 week, once my training is completed I’ll be able to take the “I’m NEW” ribbon off. By then, I’ll have earned my ears – my parent’s will be so proud of me! I even get a certificate to prove my worthiness of receiving my Mickey Mouse ears.

Yesterday at 15.00 all the new hires had to gather up their electrical plugs/adapters and chargers and take them down to the bowels of the ship. All electrical goods on Disney Magic need to be tested and verified (with a little sticker) before we’re allowed to plug them into the sockets. It seems madness, especially when compared with the relaxed lifestyle on my previous vessel.

Also, unlike on Mariner of the Seas, on Disney Magic I’m classified as “Crew” rather than “Staff”. This means I cannot go to any guest parties, use the Officer’s Mess  or Spa gym/facilities. It’s a bit of a pain, especially when it comes down to food. There’s literally no choice and it’s the same thing every day: going out of date salad, pasta, rice, chicken drum sticks and mixed veg. The only difference in the menu is that one day you’ll get spiral pasta and the next it’ll be penne… and that’s no word of a lie! 

Something tells me this is going to be a very long six month contract!

Sailaway Party

Ship Theatre

Disney Magic Funnel

Watching the Sailaway Party - Aideen and Myself

Clarita, Aideen and Me

Funnel Vision

Crew Area. Front of Disney Magic leaving Port Canaveral


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