martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Chapter 2 Begins

Chapter 2 Begins!

1st February

Montevideo, Uruguay – 01.45 (03.45 GMT)

I guess I spoke too soon!

Approximately 30 minutes after posting my last blog, I received an email from Image. The first was to ask if I’d still be leaving from Montevideo, Uruguay. The second was to inform me that they were working on getting my flight details to me today (it was 9pm in Uruguay). Literally 10 minutes later, a third email popped into my inbox. My flight details for 1st February, leaving Montevideo at 02.30. That kind of buggered up my plans to go out with the parents to celebrate my 25th birthday on the 31ST January. As my Dad keeps reminding me “the sooner you get started, the sooner you finish.”

My birthday was great though. Splendour of the Seas was in Punta del Este port and as usual it’s always brilliant to see Leandro, Gabi, Luci and Caio. Unfortunately Caio got lost on the way to or from the ship (tendering) but at least I got to see him once more. The photos are going to bring back some fun memories that’s for sure. I'll try and upload some when I've got some spare time in Orlando (my memory cards and external hard drive are safely packed).

Birthday aside, it’s now time to start the second chapter of my journey as an Image Cruise Ship Photographer. Rather than going back to a Royal Caribbean ship, Image are dispatching me to Disney Magic. Before signing on to Disney Magic I’m due in Orlando, Florida for Disney training, or “Disney Traditions” as they like to call it.

There have been so many horror stories about what to expect from Disney ships. Thousands of children – obviously, it isn’t something I’m glowing with optimism about as I am simply not a fan of kids! Especially not screaming children who have a limited vocabulary of “I want, I want, I want!” Apparently there is ZERO alcohol on board for us crew and no Back Deck or Crew Bar. On top of all that, Disney are about as strict as they come with an endless list of rules. The money though, is good so I’ll be happily quids in. Trying to keep an open mind about it all is proving to be difficult but we’ll see what happens.

Right now, I’m in Carrasco Airport in Montevideo. It’s 01.50 (03.50 GMT) here and it’s just a case of waiting for my first flight to Panama City before jumping on a second towards Orlando.

The popper button of my jeans keeps popping off causing not only a huge amount of embarrassment and amusement for me, but others surrounding me too! It’s safe to say, I am getting some strange looks hiding behind my netbook fiddling with my buttons!

The first flight is 7.5 hours. My fingers are crossed that sleep envelopes me as soon as I board.

Quick note: Becks: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU, TART!!!!

Mom and Dad: I’ll see you soon! Love you loads.

Gabi, me and Leandro

Gabi and Leandro

Piggy Back Rides



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