miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Up to Date with Hernan

Up To Date with Hernan

20th February 2012

Yesterday while getting ready for formal night, I was trying to check my mail. Hernan popped up on Skype and we were able to have a short conversation and see how each other were getting on. Hernan seems to be working hard but having a great time on Disney Dream, plus the money is so much better than it is here. On the Dream, Hernan is getting approximatel $450 a week while I’m scraping to get $300.

Bjanka is now on Disney Dream and was good enough to pass on a message to Hernan for me. Hernan also told me that he’d heard from Fede, who we had Image training with last year in Miami. Fede will be joining Disney Dream in April.

I am so jealous, Hernan, Fede and Bjanka in one team and earning $450 a week as Photog 2. Photog 3 will obviously be more, around $500-550 a week. I’m seriously considering putting in for a transfer from Magic to Dream. It’d be ideal. Money and good friends. First though, I need to get promoted to P3 here. If not, I’ll have to start from the beginning again and the process will take longer. As soon as I’ve been promoted, that transfer is going in. Fingers crossed everything starts going my way soon. Just the thought of seeing my Image hermanastro again makes me smile!!

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