lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Portuguese Teacher to Fatties

Portuguese Teacher To Fatties
3rd August 2011
Not only is it turn around day but today is the day Luci leaves the ship. My Portuguese teacher and cabin mate is finally going on vacation. She’s been counting down the days for ages and now she can’t wait to sign off. Things have been hard on her recently and she was dog tired. It was good seeing her go on vacation but sad at the same time. She showed me around the ports when I first arrived on the ship, trained me, taught me a bit of Portuguese and so on. The list is endless.

While setting up for embarkation, I ran up to where the signing off crew members were gathered in preperation to leave the Mariner of the Seas. Thierry from Shops was also signing off. Giving them each a big hug, it was soon time for me to quickly run back to work. I'd miss Luci and Thierry. Even though you're happy they are finally going home, it's sad seeing your friends and team mates leave.
While working on embarkation, a couple of hours after Luci left, a familiar face popped their head into the terminal. It was our original AMS Paco returning back from vacation.
Today was the first time I’d gone beyond the terminal in Civitavecchia. I only had an hour and a half to spare before crew all on board. Jumping on the shuttle bus, Sandra and I headed into a small fisherman’s port. There wasn’t much going on, but the place was packed with guests heading towards one of the three ships in the main port. Sandra and I had a walk around the market before it was time to head back to the ship again.
Sandra has moved into my cabin and I’ve shifted to the bottom bunk. By the evening she was fully moved in and the suitcases hidden away under our bunk beds. Sharing a cabin with Sandra is going to be fantastic as she’s laid back and we get on like a house on fire! Camila has moved in with Sanela which she’s far from happy about so now there’s non stop complaining.

Originally, Camila wanted to move in with me, but due to the way things have been going, it's best if we don't live together. It's chalk and cheese. Sandra had wanted to move into the Photographer's Corridor for a while now, so first come, first serve. Either way, Camila is now in the Photographer's Corridor, which is what she wanted, but she's not happy.
Going into the gallery, Paco who called me over. Saying hi and giving him a hug, Paco told me “Lou, you were so sexy when I left. Where has all this weight come from? You’re not sexy anymore”. I rolled up laughing and had to comment and poke fun at his weight gain. Mine is down to eating crap and the lack of healthy food on board. Paco’s excuse was that he’d done nothing but eat on vacation. The rest of the evening was spent making jokes and poking fun at each other’s weight. At least I haven’t got a turkey neck forming like Paco does…

Leaving Drink for Luci - Luci & Fabio

Luci's Leaving Drink - Luci Getting her Present from the Photographers

New Cabin Mates - Lou & Sandra
Luci at Grand Bazaar, Istanbul
Luci in Rhodes, Greece

The Sexy Bunch: Lou, David, Hernan and Luci, Genoa, Italy

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