lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Boiling Point

Boiling Point
7th August 2011
It didn’t take long for things to go from simmering to boiling point! 

Today we’re in Barcelona and we always arrive at 10.00. Zoran and Hernan were scheduled as the Matadors (bull fighters). Both were supposed to be at the Savoy Theatre at 9.30 but there’s no point having two costumes in such a small area. We’ve tried it before and it simply didn’t work. It’s better to have only one costume in the theatre and another on the gangway. So that’s what Zoran and Hernan arranged. Zoran was going up to the Savoy while Hernan waited until 10 to go outside on the gangway.
I was outside in the corridor when Hernan came walking past with his costume. Camila had a face like thunder telling Hernan he was late and needed to hurry up. Hernan tried to explain the scenario to which she replied “but you don’t know”. Yes we did. We’d tried working two costumes in the same place and it didn’t work. It never does. 

While Hernan was changing she was sitting outside his cabin door, constantly calling him, telling him he’s late. Walking into Hernan’s, Camila tried to follow me in. The arguing was getting a bit out of hand. Hernan was trying to walk away, and Camila was following. To avoid more arguing I very nearly had to close the door in Camila’s face. 

Speaking to Hernan, I told him to ignore it and carry on getting ready. I understood where he was coming from. If she didn’t, well, she is a Photog 1 and still had a huge amount to learn. By that I’m not saying Hernan and I, being Photog 2’s know everything, as we also have a lot to learn. Once again Hernan told me she is totally crackers and I was starting to agree with him. If there was a bee in her bonnet, she wouldn’t let it lie. She’d carry on and on and on.
Later on I spoke to Hernan who told me that he’d just received a warning from Jomar. And guess why. As soon as Jomar made an appearance on the gangway Camila went running to him to grass on Hernan! She went into full details too “Hernan was 30 minutes late. He woke up at 9.30 and didn’t have his costume. He made me so late. I want to work and he doesn’t so he’s not doing anything” and so on and so on. Trying to explain, Jomar didn’t want to know. He just took Camila’s word and Hernan was getting a warning. 

Camila grassing on Hernan to the manager went around the team like wild fire. Within no time, people lost all the remaining respect they’d had for her. We are supposed to be a team and then all of a sudden someone snitches to the boss and of course, it doesn’t just affect one person but everyone in the team. Now we are all under watch. Even our gangway entries and exits were being watched.

Usually, we are left to our own devices on gangway. We do what we think is best to get the gangway count in and most of the time, it works. Zoran and Hernan made arrangements for the gangway and both hit their targets! Now, that's was irrelevant!
If that wasn’t bad enough, Fabio was in the gallery drunk. Somehow he’s recently been promoted to Photog 3 despite his obvious love for vodka. Fabio was getting all high and mighty in the gallery telling the team what to do with an arrogance that made everyone want to knock him down a peg or two!

Fabio rang Hernan 15 minutes before he was due to start shooting on LSP telling him he was late before slamming the phone down. Hernan arrived five minutes late. Fabio rang Jomar and told him that Hernan had arrived 15 minutes late. Camila was in there to back Fabio up apparently. This was like spraying fuel onto a fire… it was getting out of hand. 

Jomar gave Hernan his warning. Hernan had to balls to write a little comment on it. He wrote the truth though. It went along the lines of “Fabio is always late, especially on gangway and most of all is always drunk. Sometimes he is even too drunk to work and everyone ignores it.” This made Fabio see red and thought Hernan was being unfair. How he’d worked that one out, I’ll never know.
Later on in the evening I had a run in with Fabio. Coming over to me he slammed a pile of signs in front of me, then smacked his hand on the pile adding “go do the signs… now” before slamming his hand back on the pile. Picking up the pile from in front of me, I slammed them down in front of him. “If you want me to do something, fine, but get off your high horse and speak to me properly. You aren’t above me and you really need to be knocked down a peg or two”. 

As I was about to walk away Fabio slapped his hand around, narrowly missing my wrist. Turning, I told him where to go. He hit out again, this time slapping my wrist. The pain was unbelieveable! As quickly as he’d smacked my right, my left fist came up and caught him in the side of the head. I didn’t hit him hard, but hard enough to know that if he thinks he can grab my sprained wrist or push me about, he can think again. I’ll give as good as I get! None of us are shit under his shoes and none of us should be treated like it!!!
Hernan The Matador

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