sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Buying the Beers

18th August 2011
This cruise is now drawing to a close and we’re at sea, cruising back to Civitavecchia. Most of the guests will be leaving tomorrow and the rest the following day in Genoa. I’ve got pretty much the same schedule as last week.
As soon as I entered the gallery Zoran wanted another bet. When it comes down to selling on the last day of the cruise I’m always up for a bet! Only thing was Zoran had had a head start but we were both spending roughly the same amount of hours in the gallery

Being on a ship there’s not a huge amount we can bet on so our betting currency is booze and cigarettes! Zoran was also on a roll and when he’s having one of those days he can sell a pair of roller skates to a limbless, homeless guy
Instead of just the loser buying the beers we decided to change it around a bit. As there were four of us, the three who sold the least had to buy a round of drinks. Whoever the winner was would have three free beers.
I started off well but come the evening I’d pretty much given up. I was charging on the till, racking up the dollars. I turned around to place a receipt on the stack (we have to pile up the receipts in a certain place in case any get lost) and someone signed me off my till and started charging. I lost my till. There were 6 people struggling to get onto one of the four tills. It became slightly ridiculous. 

Finally getting back on a till after about 20 minutes, I checked the sale stats. I was well behind Zoran and Fabio. Next up were a couple of guests complaining. Typical. I got the troublesome guests who couldn’t find their photos and hadn’t had their card swiped.
At the end of the night I was in last place. I’d completely lost the knack of selling and wasn’t on the ball. I’d still sold more than the others who weren’t betting but that wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t like coming last so next week I’d have to up my game if we were going to be betting again. For this week… it looks like I’m buying the beers!
Later on we were all given our statistics. In total we’d sold $39,000 worth within the week’s cruise. Fabio sold the most in the cruise with approximately $8,700. Zoran was in second place with roughly $3,700 while I was in third place with $3,550. Camila who apparently had the “gift of the gab” and could sell anything was in 6th place with just under $3,000.

Yep, I was definitely getting the beers in tonight!

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