lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Troubles Simmering

Troubles Simmering
6th August 2011
Sitting out on gangway at 7, there was no one about. As you can guess, we are back in Corsica, France. Jomar hadn’t noticed that no one leaves the ship until around 08.00. We weren't going to tell him, especially as we tend to sleep for an extra 30-45 minutes on the steps. Security tend to give us a call when guests start appearing.

About 08.30 and people started to spill out of the ship. Fabio, who was still intoxicated, was shooting me. Camila was on the rail and finally Zoran was free shooting with an impossibly high 700 image target. Camila had an image target of 250 while Fabio and I had 600.

It wasn’t long until we had a stream of people having their pictures taken one after the other and in groups. I tried putting my bandaged arm around an old lady to get her in for a photo. She grabbed my hand and I was desperately trying to get it away from her. She was roaring with laughter, slapping my hand as if giving it numerous high fives and shaking my sprained wrist. The pain!! I was nearly rolling around in pain. The silly bitch!! Fabio was half shocked, half laughing. He couldn’t believe it. 

Taking a couple of minutes to compose myself, it was back to work, smiling at the camera and smudging the guests in. An hour before our gangway session came to an end, Fabio and I went in for a break. 

After our fifteen minute break ended, Camila was dragging the rail into the corridor. She’d hit her target and was done. Fabio and I told her there were 45 minutes to go and although she’d hit her target, the other photographer's needed help. Fabio and I hadn't reached out target yet but that wasn't a problem. We were sure we could do it. Poor Zoran wasn't going to get near his target so we all needed stay out as long as possible and get the overall gangway image count up. Everyone on the gangway needed to work as a team and club together.

Camila refused to go back onto the gangway, telling us, if Zoran didn’t hit his target it wasn’t her problem. This girl doesn’t understand the meaning of team work and once she’s done her part, will refuse to help anyone else out. If the tables turn, she’ll expect the help and get pissed off or cry if she doesn’t get her way. 

Annoyed Fabio and I returned to the gangway. We needed 80 images and we had 30 minutes to do it in. No problem. Smudge, smudge smudge. We stayed out for a bit longer to help Zoran out who was still shooting and gone over his time. 

Leaving the gangway, Zoran had over 300 images. He could’ve got more but he’d taken his time to make sure there weren’t people in the backgrounds of his shots. Showing my his images they looked brilliant!! Fabio and I had over 650 images so we’d done a good job too. Once Ritesh had had a look through them, I don’t know how many images we’d have as Fabio was the Master at getting triple and double shots!
Problems were starting to simmer within the team. Troubles were fairly one sided and coming from Camila. The girl is refusing to play ball. When she’d heard about my wrist, she wanted to go to Jomar and tell him she had a bad wrist and couldn’t work.  Before gangway she came out of her cabin crying that she didn’t feel well and had a sore throat. 

As I said previously, she’ll do her work but won’t help anyone else if they are behind. It’s not how we work. We work as a team… if not, the whole thing falls apart. Something had to change or else the simmering would soon reach boiling point and shit really would hit the proverbial fan.
With a couple of hours off I headed out into Corsica for something to eat and to use the internet. I wanted to speak to the parents but the time difference meant they’d still be fast asleep. Camila came along with me and if I’m honest, I really wanted a break from the girl. As much as I liked her, she was getting on my nerves and I wasn’t the only one saying so.
We stopped for something to eat and use the internet. I got a connection straight away while Camila couldn’t. She asked the owner of the bar for help her. Neither of us speak French and the owner spoke minimal English so she was in for a tough ride. She got quite aggressive insisting to the guy there was no internet. The French guy looked frustrated before biting back “okay, you say no internet so… no internet” before shrugging his shoulders and walking off. We ordered the bill and every time the guy walked past Camila felt the need to swear at him in Portuguese. Whether he understood or not I don’t know but the bill was slammed onto the table with a few murmurs under his breath.
Walking around we managed to find a supermarket for Camila. Once we were done in the supermarket we were making our way back to the ship, passing the bar we’d previously had lunch in. Hernan called me from inside. He was there with Sandra using the internet and having a drink. I joined them for an hour or so while Camila sulked off because she was the only one who couldn’t get a connection. When she’d gone Hernan commented that she’s “going mad”.
Back on the ship a few hours later, Hernan, Ashleigh (Spa) and I were standing in the corridor having a quick cigarette. We were talking and having a joke when all of a sudden Camila’s cabin door flew open. Appearing in the corridor, crying  her eyes out she whimpered “I want my mom” and walked back into the cabin leaving the door open a bit. We just looked at each other not knowing what to do or say and carried on with what we were doing. 

As no one went in to check with her, Camila came outside again, crying louder this time saying she wanted her mom as she didn’t feel well. Ashleigh soon left to go back to work. Hernan made his excuse that he was going to sleep for a bit. Sandra called me so I walked into my cabin while Camila followed me in. She just stood in the door way so we told her to go to the medical. “It’s closed”. “Go when it’s open” we told her, both Sandra and I were getting ready for a snooze. Camila got the hump with us. Why? I have no idea but she stormed out the cabin and back into her own. There was nothing we could do for her. If she felt ill, she needed to go to the medical or stay in bed rather than walking around with bare feet and damp hair.
Maybe Hernan was right? Maybe she was really going mad?
M&R, Lady Corsica & Jomar (BM)

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