sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Shop Until Your Knees Buckle

Shop Until Your Knees Buckle
1st August 2011
Thanks to Luci, I wasn’t working in the morning. Somehow she’d managed to get us both the morning off as this was going to be her last chance to visit Barcelona! Getting up at 9.30, when we thought the ship was going to arrive, we got ready to go out into the city. The ship actually arrived at 10. 

Crew aren’t allowed to use the free shuttle bus for the first 90 minutes. Hernan was coming with us to get off the ship for a while so we all jumped onto the city bus. Most of the guests were getting on the shuttle which costs 10€ return (crew go free). The city bus was only 3€ return. Once off the bus we were looking for a large shopping centre we’d been told about.
During the walk we stopped off for breakfast. I know I shouldn’t have done it but I couldn’t resist chocolate and churros. Continuing along Las Ramblas we popped into the shops, some were expensive while others reasonably priced. It was a real mix. 

The summer sales were on which was a bonus. Popping into H&M I picked up a yellow and white dress for 7€ - perfect for the beach. I steered clear of blue as security keep pointing out that I’m always in blue… and they had a point. I’d never noticed it before. Now, whenever I go past security and I’m wearing the smallest blue item (even a blue hair band) they shout out “BLUE! BLUE LOU! MISS BLUE!!” Along with the dress I found a red and blue checked shirt. Smart casual for when I go up to the guest areas. 

It’s no surprise that we couldn’t find the shopping centre, we were sent in all directions but had a good enough time looking through the shops we came across along the way. Along one street there were about five large camera shops. It was paradise! They sold everything: compact cameras, SLRs, accessories and endless amounts of film (black and white, polaroid, colour, colour positive etc). You always know you’re in a proper camera shop when they sell endless amounts of film!! I wanted to kick myself for leaving my analogue camera in England! I really miss shooting film! Digital black and white just doesn’t have the same quality as film.
Along the way we lost Luci. It wasn’t the first time it’s happened. If we’re in a shop and she doesn’t want to be there, she carries on walking rather than waiting for us. So, we had a look around for her but carried on, time was running out and if she decided to separate from Hernan and I, that was her problem. We'd no doubt bump into each other sooner or later.

We found a small backstreet dotted with different shops. They weren’t your mainstream style shops. There were about 4 guitar shops and Hernan was in his element!! The clothes shops didn’t sell the latest fashion. Some were more rock clothing. Going inside I felt so out of place as Hernan and I were the only ones who weren’t covered in tattoos and piercings. I found a small hippy store where the clothes were as cheap as chips and picked up a green-grey jump suit. Sandra will love this shop!
Heading back along Las Ramblas we bumped into Sary, the singer from Boleros. It's the first time I've seen her off the ship and not singing her heart out. She pointed us in the direction of even more great shops she'd come across. Result!

Carrying on, we soon heard “Hey Babaloos”. Looking around it was Luci, she was laughing and asking where we’d gone. She was off to another shopping centre but Hernan and I had to go back to the ship and work. Stopping off I grabbed a couple of Barcelona magnets, they were needed – I have too many photos and not enough magnets!

Barcelona like everywhere else in Spain is dotted with Sex Shops (we didn’t spot any brothels though - a surprise). Hernan wanted to go inside and I got dragged along for a giggle. I’ve been in Ann Summers before which for me is no problem but going into this sex shop made me feel a bit dirty and pervy. Everything is to the extreme. There’s a large cinema area with huge screens showing continuous porn. 

In the middle of the shop floor was a circle “Peep Show”. Quite a few of the curtains were drawn to but only covered half a person’s body. Walking around the shop I couldn’t help but notice a couple of men watching the peep shop had one hand firmly in their trouser pockets as if no one else could see. I wanted to get the hell out of there!! Pure sleaze came to mind. Some of the men on the ship were walking around looking sheepish when they spotted someone else from the ship.
I grabbed a Jamon Serrano roll and carried on walking towards the shuttle bus back to the ship. We didn’t have long left. 

Once we got through customs and two security checks we were back on board. 

Hernan had to dash to the lab to get his Matador costume.  We had two and a half hours of return gangway which is normally pointless… and it was. Within those 2.5 hours we got 150 images. 

Ritesh wasn’t too impressed by the schedule. Jomar had told him to set up a studio inside the terminal, on the ground floor. Trying to get the equipment down the elevator was going to be impossible so they set up just inside the entrance (first floor).
My knees were starting to throb so sitting down for dinner was bliss. Going downstairs I had to get changed into another uniform for the gallery. Standing behind the desk my knees were in agony. The left was particularly bad. Speaking to Luci she gave me a job to do in the back office where I could sit down. She had a look at my knees, the left was swollen like a balloon.

Again the nagging started about not going to the medical facility. The medical facilities answer to everything is to load you up with pain killers which only solves the problem for a short period of time. 

The girls from Spa think I have too much fluid in my knees which is caused from standing around for long periods of time. The treatment they’ve all recommended to way too expensive, even with the staff discount. Maybe, if I get a chance during embarkation they can use me as their model so it’s free. Until then, I’ll just have to keep necking paracetamol!

Hernan the Matador

Matador During Return Gangway, Barcelona, Spain

Traditional Vs. Modern - Searching for the Guests

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