domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

What a Mug!

What a Mug

30th March 2012

Today was a little bit different to normal. First off, I was standing in for Rama as the gallery manager. Before setting up for embarkation, we all said goodbye to Rama.

Throughout the I-95 were signs advertising the maiden voyage of the Disney Fantasy. There’d be free shuttle buses transporting Disney Magic and Fantasy crew members to and from the ships. Crew members were given the chance to explore both ships, meet up with friends etc. Unfortunately for us, on embarkation, it wasn’t possible due to work. Kate was more put out than anyone, as she had friends on board Disney Fantasy.

Set up didn’t go as smoothly as usual and it caused a few problems between a couple of people. It’s incredibly difficult working with team members who don’t pull their weight, knowing that if they go slowly, someone else will soon come along and finish the job. They don’t see the urgency of the job. If you finish quickly, you get a break, chill.

Looking at my schedule, just as I was finishing embarkation, I saw I was originally due back at work at 18.30. As I was covering Rama’s schedule, I had to be on display at 16.00. 1.5 hour break instead of four. Oh well. Mentioning it to Kate, she told me “Look, I don’t wanna burst your bubble, but Rama’s staying another week. Sorry” she looked uneasy and my face must have been a picture of shock.

Using Rama’s deck phone that I was given, I rang Csaba. “Am I following my schedule?” I asked. “Why?” Csaba sounded surprised. “Because Rama’s here for another week isn’t he?” The sound of Csaba's booming laugh came down the line before he sarcastically mentioned “I hope you’re not too upset” followed by more laughing. Getting off the phone as quickly as I could, I felt like a royal idiot, a mug. So Csaba had known Rama’s contract was extended by a week yet still asked me to stand in as AMS.

Hurrying off as quickly as possible, I bumped into Ani and told her what had happened. Her opinion was the same as mine. It was a cruel move to make and possibly, Csaba trying to make a point. Running up to my cabin I hid myself away from the rest of the world and didn’t bother picking up the phone to whoever was calling.

A little while later, I picked up the phone and called my parents. Telling them made me feel even more ridiculous, for believing Csaba would give me a chance like that. I started crying, making me feel even more idiotic.

Dragging myself through the rest of the day, I couldn’t wait for it to be over. Unfortunately, we had a meeting after work. My avoiding Csaba was soon going to come to an end and I knew that something was going to be said. A joke was going to be cracked. Preparing myself, or attempting to look as if I wasn't bothered by the day’s events, I stuck a small smile on my face and sat at the back of the lab, almost completely hidden by Carolee. It didn’t take Csaba long to spot me.

During the meeting, I was informed that I had a bad name comment. Csaba told me the cabin number and I knew who the people were. Well, there are two sets of guests I had a problem with last night. I’m pretty sure it was the guy who wanted half of his photos printing at 5x7s, which is something that we cannot do. The guest has a package for free photos from his travel agent. It allowed him two 10x8s and three 6x8s. After explaining that I could count one large photo as two smalls, he still wasn’t happy, as he’d have to remove one photo from the selected batch and/or pay for it. There was nothing I could have done but either way, I was “very unhelpful” apparently.

Another family were from three staterooms and wanted all their photos on a CD for one price. When I explained how the CD worked (the CD goes by stateroom), they weren’t interested and kept butting in. Finally, I called Rama over as the American guests reckoned they couldn't understand my English. What a shock when Indonesian Rama came over! Anyway, he said the exact same thing as me.

After the were guests arguing and demanding they wanted the package their way, saying we were making things up as we went along. I tried to explain, with Rama, that the details are clearly displayed on the advertisements. “SHUT UP! SHUSH… For God Sakes, just shut up!” Rama and I simply looked at each other. Never did I expect to be told to shut up.

In the end, Rama caved in and gave them the CD for $300, so yeah, it makes me look really unhelpful for not budging, but I was only following the rules that Rama enforces... to bends and break.

At the end of the meeting, Csaba went to everyone, asking if there was something they’d like to add or mention. I was dreading my turn but Csaba skipped me. The last person made their comment and I actually felt lucky that I’d been skipped.

Turning to me, Csaba gave a great big smile and boomed “Nearly AMS! Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn… one day” before laughing. Rolling my eyes, I did the best I could to not act upset, but my anger was more apparent and harder to mask. “Don’t worry Csaba, I see you have no intentions of promoting me.” Once again he repeated that I’d get my chance – one day. The emphasis on “one day” was only too obvious.

Once the meeting was concluded, I hurried off to my cabin. Walking down the empty guest’s corridor to my cabin, I could feel that I was going to burst into tears at any minute. As soon as I walked through the door, the water gates opened and a tidal wave of tears began. As someone suggested, if Csaba wanted to “put me in my place” then he’d done a bloody good job.

Climbing into bed, I felt humiliated and a strong urge to go home. I was disappointed in myself for believing his crap. I should have known better, but even that wasn’t enough to console myself. I felt like a royal failure and ended up crying myself to sleep, hoping tomorrow wouldn’t come… unfortunately, I knew it would!

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