domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

The Deal

The Deal

29th March 2012

Another day at Castaway Cay, Bahamas.

Before we docked, I was in the lab for 30 minutes matching up reprints and kiosk orders so that everything was ready for this evening (last day of the cruise).
Gathering my camera equipment and heading towards the ship’s gangway, I saw a lot of people heading off the ship. They were guests! The ship had arrived earlier than 9 and already the guests were getting off… I had to leg it, squeeze into the crowd and get off the ship and set up.

Setting up as quickly as I could, I was only half way through and people were handing me their Key to the World cards to have the photo taken. Changing my aperture and shutter speed, I started shooting on the memory card, until I had the pentab (computer) set up and running. Only then could I swipe people’s room keys.

Anyway, by the time I’d finished I had over 300 images which was my target. Unfortunately my pentab battery had died so I’d shot half on the camera’s memory card. Diva wasn’t going to be happy with, as it gives her more work to do. Next time I’ll have to charge a second battery.

Taking my camera off the tripod I checked some of the photos. I don’t  know what made me look, but something clicked in my brain. My ISO. Checking the settings, I hadn’t changed my ISO from shooting stairs last night. Instead of using ISO 200, I’d shot at ISO 800! What the bloody hell was the matter with me!? I should have checked!

Mentally kicking myself as I walked back to the ship, I went into the lab and dropped my stuff off. Telling the new BM, Csaba what had happened, he got annoyed “didn’t you think your apertures were too high?” “No, because last week, it was so bright that we had to use those apertures anyway to get a good exposure and our ISOs were 200”.

Carrying on matching reprints, Diva came in and got the news from Csaba. Some of my photos were overexposed. Not burnt, but over exposed. Now it was time for Diva to give me an ear bashing “You do realize this is a $500 event? Like portraits. You’re losing us money”. Excuse me? I was annoyed enough with myself, without anyone else having a go at me. Yes of course, I knew that it’d lose people money and I don’t need to be told that. After all, at the end of the day, I don’t come here to earn ANYONE but myself money. With this job, while earning your own wage, you also earn for others. That is why I am here, to earn money. So do you really think, I’d want to lose myself money? Of course not! Keeping my mouth shut, I slipped out of the lab, feeling about as bright as a cloudy, rainy day.

It wasn’t just about money. I love, love, love getting excellent photographs… so when you get a bad batch, it really gets you down. Last but not least, by the looks of it, there’s very little chance I’d be promoted for Photog 3 - because of my mistake.

Diva and Csaba came down pretty hard on me yet, other members of the team have been repeatively making mistakes and nothing gets said to them. I take it personally, if I make a mistake. Some of the photos team members bring back are laughable. Completely burnt - the sand and sea are pure white, for example! Yet, those team members, if something is said to them, just shrug their shoulders, mumble “okay” and walk off, without giving it a second’s thought. They don’t care. How I envy those people on occasions like these!

Walking into my cabin I felt darn low, mainly because I’d mucked up, but also because of what had been said to me and the tone of it. Like I said before, some people mess up and nothing is said to them while others get a royal ear bashing.
Once Shutters was closed, Csaba told me to go to the crew bar for a drink with Rama, as he was leaving 
tomorrow. I was still working, delivering reprints and CDs to staterooms and printing.

Quickly running around the place, delivering as quickly as possible, I finished work at 2am. By then the bar was closed. Anyway, getting a drink from the Crew Mess I joined them in the Crew Bar. To  my surprise, only Cintia, Inna, Rama and Csaba were there.

Sitting down, Csaba told me that the new AMS, Stephanie, wasn’t coming for another week. We’d be left without an AMS. “So this is your time to shine. You’ll be AMS for the week, take Rama’s phone and do his schedule after embarkation tomorrow. If you do well, I will sign your checklist and you’ll be Photog3 from the following cruise.” Deal! Shaking hands, I was over the moon, yet nervous. There are still the odd things that I’m not 100% sure about in the gallery, but I was ecstatic about being given the opportunity to be a “stand-in manager” for the week. It was a chance to prove that I could do things and that I am worthy of the Photog 3 position.

Slipping into bed that night at 3am, I was one happy girl… a complete contrast from earlier on!

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