jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Stripping Off!

Stripping Off

25th March 2012

This morning I was woken up by the telephone ringing. Climbing out of my top bunk, as quickly as my stiff knees would allow me, I picked up the phone. “Lou, work!” it was Carolee. Looking at the telephone’s clock, I saw the time. Shit! I was late for work… and not just by a couple of minutes. Oh no, I was late by one and a half hours!

Hanging up and grabbing my mobile phone, it was switched off. No wonder why my alarm hadn’t gone off. Somehow, in the duration of eight hours my battery had gone from fully charged to flat.

Throwing on my clothes and running to the lab, I picked up my equipment for the Princesses Gathering and charged up to Deck 3. In the Atrium, Carolee and Ani were setting up the lights. Apologizing for being late, I quickly explained what happened. Thankfully, I’m never late so they knew I wasn’t taking the Mickey (no puns intended). Both said not to worry, it’s not like I’m always late, unlike some people within the team.

Asking Carolee why she didn’t call me to set up the lab, she looked stunned. “I’m not on set up lab. Oh God, the lab hasn’t been set up. Go set up and we’ll continue putting up the lights. It’s okay, go”.

Apologizing again, I legged it down the stairs, back to the lab. Working in a speedy daze, I set up most of the lab but ran out of time.

Back upstairs, the Princesses arrived, just as I set up my camera. Talk about good timing. Throughout the entire Princess Gathering I worked in a daze, trying my best to concerntrate and of course, failing miserably. I felt terrible for being late! I felt even worse for not being able to get my head straight to do the job in hand!

Luckily for me, I was shooting Princess Tiana again and she knows what I’m usually like. At one point though she had to call me to snap me back to reality. I’d drifted off into my own little world while she’s standing there, posing with two little girls by her side. Shaking my head to knock some life into me, I apologized and took the shot. Later on, quietly, Princess Tiana told me not to worry, I was obviously having “one of those days” and that she gets them all the time. I love these Princesses!

Princess Tiana

During the break, I refused to go back to sleep, in case I didn’t wake up. Calling the parents was one of the ways to try to stay awake. 

While having lunch with Carolee and Ani, Aurora asked me why I don’t shoot her anymore. The simple reason is because, there’s no rotation in our schedules anymore. We are doing the same thing, week in, week out. I do miss shooting Aurora though.

Still spaced out, I needed something to kick my backside into gear. It was formal night and again I was shooting Moon, one of the busiest studios. Going into the Crew Shop I picked up something to do just the job. A can of Coca-Cola and Monster.

After setting up the studios, I downed the can of Coca-Cola. Before opening my studio, the Monster was cracked open and I down half. The other half was to top up and keep me going. Within a couple of minutes the rush started and I was wide awake – buzzing even.

While getting dressed, I thought the sleeves on my shirt looked a bit long. Meeting Ani in the Atrium she whispered that there might have been a mix up in our laundry... Her shirt sleeves were way too short. Crap! We’d taken each other’s shirts and didn’t have time to run to a cabin and change.

Politely asking the musicians to get out of the storage room, they looked at us quizzically. “We’re wearing each other’s shirts… so we need to strip off and change. Now.” Laughing the guys walked out of the room, closed the doors and made sure no one came in… but called out  to anyone listening, that we’re stripping off and getting naked. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Walking out in fits of giggles, mine partially Monster-induced, we were ready for our studios. “All sorted now?” asked the musician smiling. This only made us roll up laughing and of course, even else joined in too. It’s something that would only happen to me and Ani though! If it hadn’t been for the sheer height difference, we’d have got away with not having to swap!

My target for Moon was 380 and by the end of the night I’d shot 388. Half way through my first session, Diva told me to stop splitting the families as my queue went to nearly the other end of the ship!! How can you have a line snaking its way down half the ship? Well, she certainly wasn't lying! My mouth was running faster than an Olympian sprinter. Verbal diarrhoea was an understatement! Still, I couldn’t get through the line quick enough. Being one of the fastest in Ressi, I had to have the BM take over and shoot.

In the dining room, I went a little Royal Caribbean style. No Disney style “Hi, let’s get a picture, move in nice and close together… smile… 3,2,1” crap. Just the hurried “Hi, move in together” and camera to my face and snapping away. On both sessions of Ressi I came out with over 200 images.

At the end of the night, I slumped into a chair, next to a friend of mine from Shops. Jose-Chavez from Honduras. Speaking about what the photographers were going to do tomorrow; rent a car and visit the Mayan ruins, he asked if he could tag along. Sure, why not? The more the merrier, as long as we all fit into one car!

In the meantime, Ani has gone to a sign-language class. It’ll be taking place once a week. Ani wanted to see what it was like and whether it's worth her while. According to the person running the class, on 20th April, we’ll have at least 60 deaf people cruising with us. Maybe I should attend next week?

 Photos from a previous Princess Gathering

Princess Tiana and Snow White


Cinderella's Photographer - I look so enthusiastic!

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