viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Snorkelling Attempt

Snorkelling Attempt

13th March 2012

We’re finally back on land after two days at sea. St. Maarten for many people is the place to buy duty free goods from jewellery, electronics, booze and cigars. For me, it was the place to get a couple of quotes for my latest investment, the Canon 5D Mark II.

Originally, I wasn’t planning on going out as I was skint, thanks to Image not paying me. I got a call from Ani asking me to meet her in the Mess. She wanted me to go out with her to the beach and for lunch. I didn’t want to borrow any more money. Ani insisted, saying I could buy her lunch after St. Thomas tomorrow, when we get paid. Reluctantly I agreed and I’m glad I did!

Quickly chucking things into a bag and changing into my swimwear we were off the ship and heading to the beach with our snorkels and Frisbee.

We walked along the Dutch side of the island and found a quiet place to plonk our stuff. Strapping on our snorkelling gear, we headed into the turquoise sea. There are so many shelves in the sea that it was only a couple of meters out before I had to tread water.

We soon found out that our original idea of snorkelling wasn’t a great one. Although the water looks a lovely turquoise colour, you couldn’t see a thing. The sea was too cloudy. No worries, we’ll save snorkelling for a different day and port, probably Cozumel.

Instead we spent an hour or so bobbing up and down and floating in the sea relaxing before laying in the sun. It felt good to finally see natural light again, and warmth of the sun rather than the coolness of the air conditioning on the ship. Freedom sprang to mind.

Walking along the sea front again, we headed back towards the ship to find somewhere to eat. First place we stopped at, we couldn’t get the waiters attention and time was ticking so we packed up and left.

Second place, the waiter said the kitchen is swamped and we’d be waiting at least an hour or more for our food. In the end, we stopped off at a place near the ship that Ani recommended.

Before stopping at the last place to get food, we stopped off at the camera store. I desperately wanted to find out how much I’d roughly be spending on a Canon 5D Mark II. When I asked, I got a bit of spill about how the Canon 5D Mark II, is very similar to the Canon 5D Mark III which has recently be released.

Apparently there’s not a lot of changes in the Mark III model and it certainly doesn’t judge the huge price difference. What that price difference is, I don’t know. As soon as I asked, he changed the subject back to the Canon 5D Mark II.

Here we go, the starting price for the Canon 5D Mark II, lens, memory card and camera bag, it was $3,800. Ouch. I mentioned that I’d been it two hundred dollars cheaper online. The price was next dropped to $3,500. Things were looking better. Feeling bad for wasting his time, I said I’d think about it and come back next time the ship docks in St. Maarten (when I actually have the money to pay for the camera).

Pulling me to one side, the salesman asked if I was crew. Upon hearing that I was, he dropped the price again, his final, final price: $3,195. I still can’t believe how the price was dropped $600!!! Getting the man’s card, I promised I’d be back in two weeks’ time. More than ever, I wanted that camera and was so glad that I didn’t have my credit card with me!

When we stopped for something to eat, neither of us had much time, especially Ani who was on set up at 15.00. Adventure of the Seas was docked next to Disney Magic and to my amazement, I saw four people with whom I worked with on Mariner of the Seas. None of them were photographers though.

Suddenly, a women started shouting from right behind me that she wanted some water. “Hey! Hey you! Let’s get some water over here! Hey! Do you sell water or not?” Looking around, at first I thought there was an emergency or something along those lines. Nope, it was just someone with no manners!

Coming around, she stood in between where Ani and I were sat at the bar. “You aren’t from here are you?” she asked us both. Was it really that obvious? We are both white while the rest of the county isn’t. Our accents might have given the game away too.

Asking where we were from, we turned, replied and turned back. “Are you guests on Adventure of the Seas?” “No, crew on Disney Magic”. “What’s the Disney Magic like? Full of kids?” “It’s good thanks and yes, full of kids.” This is how the conversation continued, all the time Ani and I were replying abruptly and turning around. One look at the women would tell you she’s a real odd ball.

Ani was lucky enough to have to leave early because of set up. Smirking, walked off. The lady stood next to me staring at me for a while longer. “Ok, so you’re still eating. Your friend has left. Do you not mind?” “No, you get used to it. She has to work, obviously she has to go”. “Ok then, well, I’m going to keep you company”. ‘Well, aren’t I the lucky one?’ ran through my mind!!

While eating as fast as I possibly could I listened to the lady’s drivel about how un-luxurious Adventure of the Seas and other Royal Caribbean ships were. This was a load of crap! Mariner of the Seas is pure luxury, especially when compared to Disney Magic. She asked if I’d worked on Adventure, I said no, I’d been on Mariner of the Seas, the sister ship. “Isn’t it very plain and not very luxurious?” “No, I thought it was like a 5 star hotel plus a bit extra”. The reply nearly knocked me off my stool “yes, you’re right, the ships are very luxurious”. OK, it was time to make a move for the crack pot. Saying goodbye and telling her I had to go back to work, she commented that she was going to just sit there, on my stool. Fine.

Just as I was about to board the ship, I was pulled to the side by St. Maarten security and asked to open my bag. The drugs dog was sniffing it and security were pulling things out and turning my bag over. For a split second, I had a bout of panic. Three times on St. Maarten I was offered weed by simply walking around smoking a cigarette. Then there was the nutcase at the bar. Had someone dropped something into my bag? It wasn’t unheard of, especially in the Caribbean and Americas. “Thank you Miss, hope to see you again soon” broke me out of my thoughts. 

Phew! Next time I’d better be much more careful!

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