lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Im The Boss Here

I’m the Boss Here

19th March 2012

As expected, I was shattered today, after going to bed at 2am. To make matters worse, it was formal night and the can of Monster I have in reserve, in the back of my fridge is coming out to play. Yes, I know, I promised myself that I’d never drink the stuff again, but I had to take extreme measures to rid myself of unbelievable tiredness!

Before the big night began, there was one of the two weekly Princess Gatherings. Again I was shooting Princess Tiana. There was a slight change to the shooters too. Maryna/Inna had been switched with Aniko. With Carolee, Ani and myself shooting, everything went smoothly and there weren’t any massive backed up queues for a particular Princess, caused by slow shooters. It made the entire event so much easier for everyone involved, Princesses included.

Formal night was much quieter than it had been on the previous cruise. It's worrying as we want to earn as much money as possible and today is the biggest seller. I missed my target by just 20 photos which grates a bit but what can you do? I was shooting as fast as I possibly could.

While in Ressi I was moving way too fast thanks to the Monster. I was trying to go as fast as I could as Inna was taking her sweet time, shooting her section in the dining room. It’s frustrating when certain people go slowly knowing that someone else will finish off their job, once you’ve completed yours. It’s becoming an reoccurring matter and grating on a few of the more experienced photographers.

Trying to cover everything with a can of Monster in my system was making me sloppy. My cropping was terrible. I even went back a few occasions to make sure my cropping was correct, that of course, slowed me down a bit. My mind was going on a rampage and limbs had a mind of their own, again.

In the lab, I apologized for my cropping and Diva asked what happened to me. My cropping was too tight. “Monster” was my only reply. “Oh” and a smile was all I got back. Seems like I’m not the only one with a problem!

A group of 11 came into my studio. Asking for a Key to the World card from each stateroom the man said “No. We’ve already spoke about this.” To who? Because it certainly wasn’t to me! I explained that we needed a Key to the World Card from each stateroom to allow everyone to see their photos on the kiosk. Also to make sure the photos are logged into the right stateroom. Really it’s so people can’t swindle the CD package, by including photos from multiple staterooms (the CD package is per stateroom). “Look, you’re not having any more cards. I’m paying for it all and it all goes on my card”. All I said next was that it’d make things easier for everyone to find their photos. “Look, I’m the boss here! You’re not getting any more cards and you do as I say. Take our picture!” I didn’t think I’d be snapped at like that so deleting the card swipe, I quickly fired off the camera three times, abruptly thanked the guests and gracefully pointed them to the studio exit. Next couple...
In my studio, I AM the freaking boss!!

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