jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Favourite Disney Character?

Favourite Disney Character?

3rd March 2012

Today the sun was out but a little chilly, according to the people who actually got off the ship. Ani, Kate, Inna and I were on Embarkation, so the only time we saw daylight was while walking through the extension tunnel from ship to terminal. Everything went well, but none of us got a good vibe from the guests, who are mostly from Québec and Montreal.

The only real thing to report about today, is a little girl threw up on me! Yes, I got sicked on!

Inna, Kate and Aniko were shooting. I was making small talk with a family of three, to keep them busy before sending the three down to a studio.

Bending down, I asked the girl who was her favourite Disney character, to which she replied with projectile vomiting. It was splashed all up my hands, shoes and trousers. Gross! Did she dislike Disney that much, that just the thought of it, made her unleash a litre of sick!? The thought of it makes me want to hurl!

Her parents grabbed onto the little girl's arm and lead her to one side. Turning around, the lady called over her shoulder to me, “Oh, it must have been something eaten.” Do I not get at least a sorry for having your daughter throw up on me? Obviously not!

A kind lady next in line took my leaflets from me, while I quickly ran to the hand sanitizer and cleaned myself up. I couldn’t get back on the ship to change my trousers because of keeping the line and smudging for the photographers shooting. I was screwed for a couple of hours! At least I didn’t smell of puke!

Let’s hope that was just a bad start to a good cruise!

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