viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

It Just Gets Worse

It Just Gets Worse!
29th September 2011
Things on this cruise are going from bad to worse. It’s absolutely unbelievable. Today we are in Athens which is usually a good port for image counts. Today, that wasn’t the case. In fact, it was the complete opposite.
I was out on gangway shooting Hernan, the Greek God. Sanela was the Greek Goddess with David shooting her. Each costume had a 450 image target. Both costumes together couldn’t reach that target. Normally we reach and surpass it easily. Hernan and I reached 180 images while David and Sanela achieved 150.
Sandra came out on to the gangway as we left to free shoot. There was hardly anyone on the ship and those who came off, didn’t want their photograph taken. Sandra headed out 30 minutes early so she could come in early. Plus there were more chances of getting images by being on gangway early than later when there was no one around. It seemed logical. Coming back after an hour and a half on gangway Sandra had only 60 images. It’s incredibly disheartening when you’re trying your best to get images and get nothing in return.
Grabbing our stuff Sandra and I headed out for a quick drink and to use the internet. The main goal of going out was so that we could hit the shops. Sandra wanted a watch and the duty free shop in Athens have got a large selection with decent prices and crew discounts. It also gave me a chance to buy the red Swatch I’d been eyeing since setting eyes on it 6 months ago. It was my early present for surviving my first contract. After taking forever, Sandra finally chose a lovely white Swatch. She loved it! That's her birthday present from the team sorted!
Zoran, Camila and Leandro were on tour. Their results were even worse than our gangway counts!! The only one who actually came back with something worthwhile was Zoran who took 105 very sellable images. Once up, the images of guests standing in front of the Acropolis soon started selling like hot cakes, considering the circumstances. One thing was for sure, Zoran had done a great job. 

Camila and Leandro only took 30 images between them. Had they pushed? No. Did they act like the guests on the ship? Yes. It wasn’t going to help anyone. If you’re on tour, share your time between both personal and professional. You’re primary mission is to get as many pictures of the guests as you can. They are the ones paying you. Secondly, have a look around, take some free time and take it all in. After all, you don’t know when or if you’ll be back. On the other hand, you must, must, must come back with the counts!!
David and I were both on sailaway. This time I was the Greek Goddess. We spent an hour going around, smudging, David cracking jokes. Nothing. We left with 40 images which was more than the others had got on sailaway. That’s how bad things have been on this cruise. 40 was good for sailaway on this cruise while we normally get well over 100 – each. 

One thing that caused a real laugh was calling the guys who worked in Johnny Rocket’s for a group photo. We all crowded around the yellow and red Johnny Rockets sign.
While in the gallery I was handed a photo of two guests who had befriended me. They asked me to pass a complaint onto the manager saying that the picture, taken of the at the Acropolis, was “disgusting. The picture is terrible – trash it”. Checking the back of the image. The script stated that the picture was taken by Camila. 

Paco was around and had been looking at the photos earlier on and laughing at how terrible they were. A couple of comments were made by other people too. They were laughable and when you’re asking guests for $19.95, you and the team look stupid. Passing the complaint onto Paco, he agreed that something needed to be done about it. “Training” was his answer.
Sandra got off work early because it’s her 26th birthday tomorrow. She got ready in the cabin while waiting for us to get off work. Within no time everyone was up on Back Deck for a couple of drinks and to give Sandra her birthday present – the watch she’d chosen earlier. Even Paco, Reuben and Dione were there. Overall it was a great night, it’s a shame I couldn’t keep my eyes open!

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