lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Happy Birthday Mama!!!

Happy Birthday Mama
8th October 2011
We’re onto our second and final day in Istanbul. Unfortunately, due to the itinerary we’re having to leave Istanbul earlier than normal (15.00 rather than 18.00).
The thing that got on most of the team’s nerves the most was that we all had to be back for training at 13.00. There were three sets of training. The first was security; the head of the department came to give us a lecture about the issues that could be found when the ship arrives in the United States of America. Apparently in the US and surrounding areas, security has to be on high alert as there will be plenty of people, passengers and crew, trying to smuggle drugs on board to be delivered to another port. The photographers would also be on hand in case of any security issues. The remaining photog team will be called upon to take photos of anything that could be used for evidence or forensic use. I was actually quite interested in it all… it’s a shame I’m leaving soon.
The second batch of training was given by Dione, the AMP. Ressi training. We each had to take it in turns and photograph the other photogs sitting around the table (in the guest's dining room). This was for cropping, ways of getting people to have their photo taken and stopping any of the mistakes we’ve been making such as allowing one person to have their arm over their partner’s shoulder. It was mainly for the newer members of the crew.
Third training session was the new way of setting up the LSP studio. It was exactly the same as before, except we aren’t using the central autopole. Realistically that could have been explained in words, but there you go.
Next task for us all was to set up the studios as someone thought it’d be a great idea to have formal night tonight! None of the photographers were pleased. Some were feeling a little rough from the night before.
After set up we all had a couple of hours break before getting ready for work. First, we were in the dining room and once again I was having problems with my Quantum flash. Dione had had a look and tried to fix it. Half my Ressi photos were shot using a pop-up flash. It felt a bit humiliating going up to a table to get their (professional) pictures while using a pop-up flash. Because of the problems with my flash I only managed to walk out with 70 odd shots. Some of the others hadn’t done much better so it was a poor night all together.
During the two stints in my studio, shooting ship, I only managed to get approximately 240 images which obviously is a disappointment. Overall, the Mariner of the Seas was relatively quiet for a formal night.
At the end of the night I was called into Reuben’s office. Camila was there and she’d put in yet another complaint about me for apparently “being stupid to her”. What the hell that’s supposed to mean, I don’t know nor do I care. 

I’d replaced her on one of the Centrums earlier on in the evening and before leaving she snarled that her memory card was in the camera. I said okay. “Well it’s mine and you have to bring it to the office”. I didn’t fancy being lectured so I said “why don’t you tell that to the person who is replacing me?” She marched up and stood directly in front of me. “Give me my memory card”. Again Camila was trying to make a scene in front of people. Looking at her, I bit my tongue, and rather than telling her what I thought of her, told her to go and get her dinner. She walked off in a hump to tell tales to the manager.
There was a fair amount of arguing in the office. I’d quite frankly had enough of listening to her tantrums and “I’m the victim” speech". We all had! In the end, I gave up and told them “I’m not interested anymore. I’m going to break down” before walking out the office. This was completely ridiculous. Telling Sandra and Zoran what happened, they couldn’t believe what Reuben and Camila had said.

Camila accuses people of sexual harassment, rummages around in her cabin mates dirty laundry taking photos of her underwear to show her friends (this, we tried to keep from her but in the end, couldn't) and now a couple of people within the team are bullying her? This is why we'd previously sent an email to Image, signed by seven photographers, as a group complaint! The girl was out of control, a nut case!
Finishing breaking down and Camila and Camilo were getting the things out the lift. I went to help as everything else had been put away. Walking past me with four autopoles under her arm, Camila edged towards me and nudged the poles around. I managed to dodge out the way but the stupid mare had just been complaining about me, then tries to hit me in the knees with four metal poles! Where’s the sense? 

I was fuming and doing my best to control my temper. “I saw what that bitch did” it was Camilo, our new hire. None of the team had said anything to him about Camila. He’d noticed something wasn’t right and when he asked, we told him “you can make your own decision as to what you think of her”. Now he’d just seen Camila at her very best! Camilo then told me “report it to Reuben and I’ll back you up. That’s not on.” So I did. Still fuming, I told Reuben what she’d done. All he did was nod his head and say “I can’t do anymore”.
In short, it seems like Camila’s got away Scott-free again.
Back in the cabin, once I’d calmed down a bit I called the Mama. It's her birthday. She was just leaving the house to go out for a meal with my Dad. I wish I was there, especially after the day I’ve just had!!

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