viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Happy Birthday Sandra!!!!

Happy Birthday Sandra!!!

30th September 2011
Well, today’s Sandra’s 26th birthday and bad luck for her... it's formal night!

There was a slight cock up this morning. Originally we thought Sandra was in the gallery in the morning so we decided to swap. Reuben didn’t think she was in the gallery but on table sale instead. So we made a deal. If Sandra was in the gallery at 9, I’d cover for her. If she was in table sale, she’d go in. For some reason Reuben wanted her on table sale and didn’t want us swapping.
The phone ringing in the morning woke me up. It was Paco asking who was supposed to be in the gallery. Me or Sandra. Sandra was on table sale and turned her alarm off. Waking her up, I had 15 minutes to get ready for work in. Sandra woke up with a cracking hangover from the night before and ended up getting to work an hour late. 

Paco gave us both a serious bollocking and said one of us would receive a log. We were both on our second log which would then lead to a first warning. As it was Sandra’s birthday, I said I’d take the warning. With that, Paco told me to help Sandra up to Windjammer for the table sale. Then I was to head up to Ellington’s for the scrap book event (which turned out to be a complete waste of time). Nothing else was ever said about the subject... So we didn't mention it again!
I was once again shooting Ship with a 350 target. Tonight was one of the slowest I’ve ever experienced. I didn’t even get to the half way mark when it came down to my image count. I only managed to take 122 photos in the entire night!!! It was absolutely atrocious!
Sandra and I spent some time pratting around in the studios, taking pictures of each other. It was the only thing that kept us going. The night was a real drag so it was great to have a bit of a giggle.
Anyway, we’re planning to go out in the next port, depending on the schedule. The next port is Palermo, Sicily, it’ll be our first time there so hopefully we’d be able to get out and about to have a look around.

Present from the Photo Team

Me, Sandra and David

Dione and Zoran

Sandra and Laura

Zoran and David

DRINK!!!!!! Laura and Sandra

hahaha I love this photo!
David, me & Sandra plus her new Swatch Watch from the team
Hernan & Sandra

Our Best Formal Night Photo

I want Newman's hair!

Looks Better on Me!
Zoran and David

Newman and Sandra on Bow


On the Bow Backdrop

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