viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Sign Off Date

Sign-Off Date!
6th September 2011
The time has finally come and after much deliberation, I have my sign off date! It wasn’t necessarily the sign off date I was looking for, as I was hoping to extend until 27th November. This wasn’t possible as Image had already scheduled me to return to work onboard Disney Wonder.
Jomar asked again if I’d be able to extend due to the prices of airfares to South America. Getting a flight from Galveston to Montevideo would be approximately $1,000 cheaper. After waiting days we finally heard back from Image. Yes, I could extend… but the extension would be taken out of my vacation. So after working seven and a months, I’d get about three weeks holiday? You must be joking...
During the drill yesterday, I was speaking to a lady from Crew Finance who is resigning and signing off in three weeks. I'd previously told her I didn’t have my sign off date. Jomar overheard and came over, announcing “I have your sign off date. The email came through the day before yesterday”. Thanks for letting me know! 

Asking when I was signing off he gave one of his infamous, typical Jomar replies “I can’t remember the date but I know it’s in October”. Yeah, we knew I was leaving in October… it was the date that was the important part of it all. He told me to ask Reuben (who is replacing Jomar in a matter of hours) to get the email later on.
During the evening I popped into see if Reuben was in the office. He wasn’t, but Paco was. I asked if he could find the email with my sign off date. After five minutes searching Paco found the email. I was signing off on the 26th October.
Looking at flights later on I found out it was very expensive to fly out of Rome. More than I'd originally thought. Maybe I can extend a few days to fly out from somewhere cheaper but it’ll be hard. Reuben’s sent some emails around to see if he can get me a cheap flight so fingers crossed I get a good price! Until then it’s just going to be a case of looking around…

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