viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Green Drill

Green Drill
6th September 2011
For some reason important information isn’t always passed on to us, unless it’s the targets. At midnight we found out there’d be a green drill. There are three types of emergency cards – green, red and blue. Blue cards are mainly held by management. Only two people in the photography team have red cards and neither were scheduled to shoot gangway.
During the mornings training at 08.30 they shifted the schedule around a little. Zoran and Leandro would be on gangway. Hernan would be shooting in the evening which buggered his plans for the last Barcelona. The rest of us had to attend gangway and then head for the drill.
After the training, Sandra and I headed to the lab to pick up our equipment. Normally we’d keep it in the cabin but due to an inventory check it had to be left in the lab overnight. 

Sandra was shooting the rail which had to be taken from Tween Deck (-1) to Deck 4. Finally getting through the water tight doors, we got the rail to the photographer’s corridor. Just as we were ready to go there was an announcement “in 15 minutes the crew will be participating in a weekly mandatory drill”. 

Thinking about it, we had to carry the rail up eight flights of stairs to get to Deck 4, get through security, across the connection bridge from the ship to the terminal and set up. There was no point. As soon as we’d have got there, the emergency signal would’ve gone off and we’d have to carry the rail back down again.
Ritesh walked into the cabin and asked why we weren’t on gangway. We explained but he said we had plenty of time to get out and take photos. Just before he left he said to me “we’ll talk about this later”. As soon as he left the corridor another announcement was made “Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Deck 1. Fire Zone 4. Portside.” Both Sandra and I had to get to the 5th floor so we made our way up the stairs. Five minutes after getting to our emergency points the alarm sounded.
All in all, the drill took nearly two hours. Returning back to the cabin we had 10 minutes until gangway was over. Like I said before, there was no point taking the rail up as we’d have to turn back around again and most of the guests had already left the ship.
Going down to the office we saw Jomar for the last time. He was being transferred to Navigator of the Seas and Reuben would be taking his place as the BM.
Sanela popped into the cabin to ask if she could talk to me. She’s been down lately because of things that have been happening within the team. We sat around talking for well over an hour. Nipping up, we had something to eat and then back down to the cabin. She was still letting off steam as well as trying not to cry. Shocked, frustrated, hurt and angry were the words that kept getting repeated and she had a damn good reason for it too. I can’t go into details about what happened but let’s just say that what happened to her was a huge humiliation and completely inhumane!
Sandra had left to go to La Sagrada Familia. I’d have gone with her but I really didn’t have time as I was on set up. Sanela didn’t want to go into her cabin and face Camila. Leaving the door on the lock, I headed out to go to the shops leaving her watching TV.
The washing machines on board have munched a couple of pairs of my underwear so there was a pit stop at H&M. I only went in for underwear and came out with undies and two pairs of pyjama bottoms that look more like cotton joggers. Oh well, at least I have something baggy and comfy to wear while dossing around on the ship.
While walking back I had to get some bits and bobs for the cabin in Carrefour. Our drainage system is playing up again (nothing new there) and we’d run out of aerosol. We have a timed smelly diffuser – a real must have when the drains kick up such a stink you’ll run out the cabin gagging!!! Finally our cabin smell like roses – literally!
Back on the ship and it was time for work. Looking out the window, I really wanted to have more time off so I could go out and about in Barcelona. There’s so much to see with so little time. You could spend a week there and only scratch the surface of Barcelona.
Just as we were closing the gallery Ritesh called me into the office. My “excuse” for being “late” for gallery was “unacceptable” and apparently I could have been shooting on gangway for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Gangway opened at 10am and drill started at 10.15. You do the maths. Either way, nothing that I said would change his mind. A lot was said and there was very nearly an argument. As I was apparently 45 minutes late for gangway, I got a log. Three logs for the same thing and it’s a warning. I didn’t agree with the log so I wouldn’t sign. Ritesh told me to add my comments, laughing as if I was a prat, adding “but you will sign”. In the end I gave up, wrote my comments and signed. He asked if I’d signed. I said “yes, I’ve signed my comments” before walking out the door.
The more I see, the more I believe Jomar was right. Only difference now is, Jomar isn’t around and no doubt things are going to get much, much worse before they get any better!!

Photos from previous Barcelonas.

Hernan and I

Sandra at Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain

Parc Guell Ginger Bread House Cum Gift Shop

Parc Guell Plaza


Our House...



Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain

Parc Guell on a Relatively Quiet Day


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