lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

BIG Announcements!

Big Announcements
26th August 2011
After an eventful day yesterday, I was on a high and honestly thought nothing would bring me down within the near future! Well, something did and in spectacular style. I think it was mainly just the shock of it.
A couple of days ago I asked the BM, Jomar, to contact Image HQ in Miami about extending until the 27th November. There were two reasons for this. I’m moving to Punta del Este, Uruguay rather than returning to live in England or Spain. 

At Image you must pay for your own flight home. Flying to South America from Europe can be horrendously expensive so by extending my contract I’d do the transatlantic crossing and fly from Texas. Checking the flights online, I could get a flight from Texas to Montevideo for approximately $400 compared to the $1,000 that I’d have to pay if I departed from Europe. 

Secondly, if I was to do the transatlantic I wanted to see the ports Mariner of the Seas would be traveling to before disembarking. You never know if you’ll see the countries or areas again. In all, it’d give me about 3 cruises to explore the ports of call. Jomar told me the extension wasn’t a problem because I’d given it plenty of time and told me to start looking for flights from Texas.
Getting called into the office Jomar told me that the office had denied my extension request. I’d be leaving around the beginning of October and returning for my second contract on 17th December. To be honest I was very nearly heartbroken! I haven’t lived with my parents for some time now and don’t get to see them that often due to living in different continents. Christmas is the one time that I really want to be with my family. So I’d be missing Christmas, New Year’s Eve/Day, my Dad’s birthday (I won’t say the age, but it’s a milestone) and 25th birthday with my parents. I’d be working on ships.
Next came the real shocker. Christmas and New Years are huge money makers on the ships. People buy pretty much everything. I was more than happy with that. Jomar told me which ship I’d be going on… Disney Wonder. I’d be going to Disney for my second contract. After I was asked “you like children don’t you?” What a question! 

Hernan would be leaving and returning to work at the same time as me. Jomar said we have both improved dramatically and Hernan would also be going to a Disney ship too. Disney Dream. Even though it was bound to happen, I got a little upset about not being on the same ship as my Hermanastro.
Before joining our Disney ships, Hernan and I will have to attend a week’s training at Disney World, Florida. The training is to learn about the history of Disney and the ways these particular ships work. Fingers crossed we can have a look around Disney World… more to the point, we can go on the rides!!
So get your Mickey Mouse ears on because Disney Wonder… here I come!

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