lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Time To Chill

Time to Chill
19th July 2011
Today Camila and I have the day off for our good comments. We gathered our stuff and headed to 4 Seasons – our favourite place to go for food, internet and drinks in Rhodes. The people are so friendly, it’s a place Rueben took us to when he was working on the Mariner. We’d be meeting Luci there later on to get a photograph with the owners. 

There was a message from Stu. He’s been out in the wilderness for 10 days and seems to be having a great time.

After having a bit to eat and a quick drink we grabbed our stuff and headed to the beach. 

Rather than going to the beach where the other members of the crew were, we headed in the opposite direction. There’s a quite bay just by the port, with a great view of the ship. The water is crystal clear, Luci said it reminds her of the Caribbean Sea.
Stripping down to our bikinis it was so refreshing running into the sea. The water was pretty chilly but lovely! After taking some photos, having a swim and splashing round a bit we laid in the sun for 20 minutes before we had to go back to 4 Seasons to meet Luci.
We didn’t stay long as we were running out of time. Today we were acting more like guests running around trying to cram everything into a couple of hours. Sometimes we really do take being in the same port countless times for granted and do very little other than sitting around using the internet, grocery shopping and/or sleeping. We took our photo with the owners of 4 Seasons, he gave us our card and his name so we could add him on Facebook.
Heading out into the heat of Rhodes we walked up the main shopping strip. Luci needed to get some presents for her family as she’s leaving in a bit more than two weeks. The way things are going at work, she can’t wait to go home either!  
As time was ticking, we decided to head to the shops where we knew there was something we wanted. After an hour of walking around Luci had a traditional Greek style silver ring and a dress for her niece. Camila and I bought the same stripped blue and green bags (I found a bag to match my scarf in completely different countries). I nearly walked into the armour shop to buy another one of the scroll painting but held myself back. We had a quick look in our favourite dress shop in Rhodes. There was one dress I really wanted… but it was longer than 5’1, my height!
Back on the ship, we all jumped into the shower (the same shower… just kidding) and changed into our evening uniform. It was straight down to the lab to collect the prints for display. 

One and a half hours of display (followed by an evening of condensing in the gallery) is enough to make anyone fall to sleep! Let’s hope there are some funny pictures within the pile to keep us entertained!! We’ve decided to rip down Jomar’s wedding montage from the office door and have our own little Wall (or door) of Shame. We’ve already got about 6 gangway photos to put up… most are accidently provided by Zoran!! 

Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas

Me & Camila at the Beach in Rhodes

This is the Life!

On the Beach in Rhodes with the Mariner of the Seas :-)

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