sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Birthday Presents

Birthday Presents
18th July 2011
Kusadasi is one of my favourite places to go. There’s so much to see and do in this port. One of the best things to do while in Kusadasi is shop. 

A couple of photographers were thinking about going to the beach but the girls would have to go to “Women’s Beach”. Females aren’t allowed on just any beach, they have to go to designated beaches while men can go anywhere. Men can join us females on the Women’s Beach but we can't join them on another beach. I'm so glad I'm from the West!
It’s my brother’s birthday  in August and there were a few things I wanted to get him in Kusadasi. I was getting the presents early so it’d give me enough time to find a post office in one of the new ports and send everything.
During the morning I was photographing David, dressed up as the Turkish Prince. At first we thought it was going to be a very slow gangway but things soon starting picking up and before we knew it, we were clocking up our counts. 

Just before heading out onto the gangway at 07.00 we bumped into Sanela who wasn’t even in her uniform. We were sure she was on gangway this morning. Asking Sanela, she told us she was free shooting outside the terminal and asked if that meant she had to wear her  uniform. Obviously!! David and I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t even have her camera equipment ready. It was still in the lab and her battery hadn’t been charge. Finally, she got off the ship 45 minutes late… again. This was becoming a habit.
Watching David jump and run around the gangway is always a sight to see! Some of the things he says has everyone cracking up. He put his arm around one person and playfully shouted “Sir, let’s get your picture. Just me and you, right here and right now!” The guy couldn’t stop laughing and stopped for his photo. 

Not only is it funny watching David prat around on the gangway, it’s gives you pointers on what you can do when you’re in costume. Obviously you can’t copy out right, that’d be impossible, David has a natural flare for gangway and with people in general. 

We weren’t the only ones on the gangway. Fede was also out shooting Sandra who was officially the Mariner of the Seas Cleopatra. I’ll have to upload a photograph because she looks absolutely stunning as Cleopatra. A couple of guests have spotted her in the gallery and commented “oh you’re the mini Cleopatra”.

David and I were in the lead with our image counts which is a first. Fede is a much faster shooter than I am and David had me running all over the place as he chased after guests. Overall, it was a great laugh and a brilliant way to remember our last gangway in Kusadasi.
Once gangway was over we all nipped up to the mess to get something to eat. A couple of us wanted to get some bits and pieces from the shops so Luci, Ritesh, Fede, Sandra and I headed out into the port. Ritesh wanted a pair of trainers, Luci wanted a pair of shoes like Sandra’s for her cousins back in Brazil, I obviously had to get my brother his birthday presents and Fede was just coming for a walk around. 

The strangest thing about walking around Kusadasi was that people remembered us from walking past two weeks ago! They’d call us and say “Lady, I remember you, you wanted these boots” etc. 
They have a bloody good memory. I find it hard remembering what a guest’s face looks like after five minutes!! 

As I walked past, the men were coming out of the shops shouting “Excuse me, Russian lady”. Me? Russian? No chance. I wouldn’t have said I was a stereotype of a Russian. One person thought I was Dutch which was probably more likely. I couldn’t help but smile either way. Popping into a shop I changed my “Fuck Google… Ask Me!” shirt for a smaller size. Fede bought a copy of evening shirts while Ritesh got a pair of jeans.
Walking around a little more we walked down a small back street where we found a little shop selling typical Turkish jewellery. The earrings are much cheaper and funkier than the ones you can get in England and dare I say it, but the quality is much better than Claire’s and any other accessory store. Choosing a pair was so hard, I wanted the lot! In the end I managed to get some chandelier earrings the girls wear in Turkey. I was thinking about getting a pair for Anna, back in England, but wasn’t sure if she would be able to wear them as they weren’t silver or gold.
With my brother’s presents finally stashed away in a bag, we carried on walking around until we’d done a full circuit of the shops. I even managed to get something for my Mama which I’ll send her once I finally get to a post office. Maybe I’ll be able to find one in Barcelona.

There were only a couple of hours remaining until we all had to board the ship. Heading to the port I stopped off at Hardward Café, a lovely bar with a balcony over the sea. It’s a relaxing place to sit and catch up with the family online. Unfortunately, because of the time difference, my Dad had only just woken up as I was about to leave to go back to the ship.
I found out today that Becks who I met at the Image job interview and trained with in Miami had been fired from Image due to “under-performing”. She wasn’t given any warning or notice, just sent straight home. 

The thing that struck me was that she is a trained photographer, her ship was doing badly anyway and in a previous meeting with her BM they said she was doing a good job. Not only that, during the cruise in which she was fired, she was also given a good comment. It really didn’t make sense. A couple of us guys from the Miami training (we still have a group message going on Facebook) think they might have been trying to make an example of her. Either way, she had no notice, nothing. 

It’s a good job she still lives at home. If it was someone in my case, I’d be sent back to England with pretty much nowhere to go. Obviously they don’t think about that. It’s made me wonder about a few things, that’s for sure. I was really hoping I’d be able to do my second contract with her. Looks like that’s not going to be the case. 

It’s sad as this was the job she really wanted to do: take photos, travel the world and get paid for it. Now that has all taken away within a couple of hours. The more and more I see and hear about the way things work around here, the more I realize that Stuart was right in more ways than one.
Later on, I found out that both Hernan and Zoran got an "Opportunity Log" because they had a low image count in Athens (3 negative opportunity logs is a warning). Hernan signed his and at the side in brackets put “Not Agreed”. Luci, the new AMS, even agreed with Hernan and didn't think either deserved a log. 

Zoran hadn’t even had his good comments logged, just the negative. Luci soon changed that and added them to the log. 

My three good comments from the previous cruise had finally been added to the log. So many of us got good name comments last cruise. Sandra and I lead the way with three each. One lady gave both Sandra and me a good comment. Sandra’s was for being a great help when the lady bought the canvas (of a photo I took on a Centrum). Mine, was for going the extra mile while shooting her daughter on the Centrum on Deck 4 (which was later made into a canvas).

This particular guest told Jomar that I didn’t have a ladder but went running around looking for one anyway and was determined to get a great shot. The girl had a white, puffy Holy Communion style dress on. Deck 4 Centrum has a large circle pattern on the floor tiles. I got the girl to sit down, spreading her dress out within the circle. All the other tiles provided leading lines in towards the girl. Standing up on the ladder, just under the soft box I got a fantastic shot of the girl looking up at the camera. 

It might not have been the most original but it provided an effective final print and the guests loved it. Plus I’d never seen anyone else do it on any of the Centrums. It’s just as Stu once said to me before shooting LSP “you’ve got to think outside the box that the box is in”. 

That’s three more days off for good comments. I’m planning to use them to my best advantages when we start the 7 day cruises next week in ports and countries I’ve never been to before.

Luci and Cleopatra

Working the Gangway: Newman (Guest Relations), David (Turkish Prince), Me (Shooter) and Sandra (Cleopatra)

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