sábado, 2 de julio de 2011

Sexy White Skin

Sexy White Skin!
2nd July 2011
As I’m such an awesome chick I’ve got the day off! Well, that’s not entirely true. Last cruise I got a good name comment. David got one too and in typical Stu style, he got 5! Jomar latest incentive is to give "days off" if anyone gets a good name comment. By "Day off", Jomar didn't mean the entire 24 hours, but you do get the morning off. Let's face it, that's nothing to be sneered at! So, today I've got the morning off and free to do what I like until 17.00.
I had an accidental lay in. My alarm was set for 09.00 but I dragged my booty out of bed at 11.00. Washing and changing, Luci waited while maintenance fixed the door. It’s not great but at least we can open it now! Luci had the morning off too so we heading out we decided to do a bit of retail therapy.
Kusadasi has some excellent shops believe it or not. Of course you get the usual tourist crap but you can find some good bargains if you know where to go. Going into one shop I got a lovely maxi dress. 

Moving on we stopped off for a typical Turkish lunch, I can’t tell you what I had but either way it was delicious! We literally were taking a stab in the dark at what to eat. The food was amazing though! 

In front was one of the many t-shirt shops. Going inside, we found a t-shirt fit for Fabio which said “I DO NOT HAVE A DRINK PROBLEM. I drink. I get drunk. I fall over. No problem.” Next time we are in Kusadasi, we’re going to get it for him. I found two novelty shirts that I loved and had to buy. One said “Fuck Google! Ask me!” which I was originally going to buy and send to my brother. The second “Sex, drugs and Sausage Rolls”. The third was a Spanish football shirt. I did look for a Spurs shirt but couldn’t find one. It would have made my Daddy so proud!!
While walking past the shops, the Turkish guys outside always have something to say. Usually it’s something like “hey lady, can I say something”, “good price lady. Where are you from?” Sometimes they come out with something original that makes you crack up. One guy called me and said “I love your white skin… very sexy. I love it, please come into my shop. Good prices”. Luci and I were rolling up! Another guy tried something similar straight after and failed miserably!!
Next stop was the Harward Café to use the Internet. Luci went to Starbucks for the internet but Harward is much better, cheaper prices, better connection and great music! What more could you want? 

Checking my Facebook, I had a quick chat with Becks who is currently in Helsinki. Next time, if I come back for a second contract, we are going to try and get on the same ship together. It’s a must!!
Stu had finally contacted me. He’s doing good and on his way to do the world’s highest bungee jump! He’s the biggest adrenaline junkie I’ve ever met. I’d so love to be there. The main thing is he seems to be happy he’s finally at home. We still miss him and wish things hadn’t gone the way they had but I guess that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. I have a message for the rest of the team so I’ll pass that on when I’m back on board. There’s also one for Jomar… which I’ll pass on with great pleasure!
Hernan has just joined me in the Harward Café. He’s also been shopping and bought some clothes but I still got a better price. Girls can get away with so much more! His shirts are freaking awesome though. Very smart. So, I’m going to make the most of my final hour off and enjoy a beer and sun with my hermanastro (step-brother) by the sea. I’ll update later if anything else happens but until then… CHEERS!!

Good Morning Kusadasi!

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