lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Still Alive... Still in Uruguay!

Still Alive… Still in Uruguay!

 30th January 2012

As expected the 28th January has been and gone. My apologises for the lack of blog updates but other than “I’m still alive… still in Uruguay” (that’s got a nice little ring to it, don’t you think?) there’s not really much I can say! There’s been very little news.

My vaccinations are finally out of the way but, boy oh boy! Fourth time lucky and it wasn’t simply one jab in the arm. No, there were 6 vaccinations in two injections – one in each arm. Talk about an overload! Me, being me, I took very little notice when the nurse advised me to “put this freeze pack on your arms as they will swell”. Note to self: Don’t ignore anyone with a medical degree! I had golf ball size lumps on each arm. The inability to lift my arms, particularly the right caused great amusement to the parents, I can assure you. Evidently, I will be guarding those vaccine certificates with my life!

Jabs out the way – it’s now a case of playing the waiting game again. I did get an email commenting that my flight details and LOE (letter of employment) would be sent “shortly” – that was 3 days ago.

Every time I receive an email my stomach knots and heart skips a beat… only to find out that what’s in my inbox is in fact, a Facebook notification. 

The latest email, received twenty minutes ago said that Image are awaiting confirmation from Disney (I hope they still want me after all this palaver) and I can expect to hear from them tomorrow. I’m not holding my breath but is it really a birthday present I want to accept? Flight details to Disney World, at my expense? Well, quite frankly, HELL YES!!!

Welcome to the Quiet Life of Punta del Este, Uruguay

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