miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Get Jabbed!

Get Jabbed!

25th January 2012

By the looks of things I won’t be attending Disney training on the 28th January. The reason: an MMR vaccination. One week before Disney training I received an email from Image asking if I’d had the vaccination and whether or not I had a certificate for it. Whilst on the Mariner of the Seas I did have the vaccine but didn’t receive any certification. Now we are waiting to hear back from the Mariner of the Seas. My fingers are crossed that the proof is on Crew Office’s computer database. If not, I’ll be getting jabbed again. If you are applying for a job as an Image Photographer, do yourself a favour: Get jabbed! It’s save you all these problems as it is a must for Disney Cruise Line ships.

In the last email from Image I was told that I would probably be delayed by a week. In all fairness, I can’t make up my mind as to whether it’s a good or bad thing. At least I get to stay home for my Mama’s first batch of treatment and I’ll hopefully be here in Punta del Este to see the guys from Splendour for my 25th birthday. Flipping the coin, I’m eager to get started. I’m slowing down and getting too into the slow paced world that is Uruguay. I need a kick up the back side.

Last night I got a phone call from Hernan. Image sent him his flight details... and it's due to depart in four hours!! Yes, he was sent his flight details a grand six hours before it took off. That completely knotted my stomach and I was terrified to check my emails in case I’d received the same… but all I had was more information about the MMR vaccine.

Hernan has now safely arrived in Orlando, Florida and was good enough to post a photo on Facebook for all to see. I’m thoroughly jealous and wish I was there with him for Disney training. I was in my element that I’d be attending Disney training with my Hermanastro (“step brother”) Hernan. We’ve gone along way together, Miami training, first contract and finishing up together so it’s a shame we couldn’t see each other again before joining our ships.

Oh well, C’est La Vive as the Frogs would say!

Hernan, I hope you have a fantastic time on Disney Dream, take care, earn lots of $$$ and stay out of trouble!! Un beso hermanastro!

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